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What is Blind Via PCB ?


Printed circuit boards (PCBs) use vias to provide electrical connections between layers. While through-hole vias span the entire board thickness, advanced PCB technologies enable creating blind vias that connect between adjacent layers without passing fully through the board. This article provides an in-depth overview of blind vias, discussing their definition, PCB fabrication methods, key benefits, design considerations, reliability factors, and differences from other via types.

What is a Blind Via?

A blind via is a hole that is formed in a PCB to connect one layer of the board to an internal layer immediately next to it, without spanning the entire thickness of the multilayer board. For example, a blind via could connect the top layer to the first internal layer.

Some key characteristics of blind vias:

  • Connect between adjacent layers only, not the entire board
  • Often used for routing high density interconnects
  • Allow connections between layers avoiding inner layer vias
  • Require specialized PCB fabrication processes
  • Distinguished from through-hole vias penetrating the full board

Blind vias provide connectivity similar to buried vias, but with access from one of the outer surfaces.

PCB Fabrication Methods for Blind Vias

PCB blind via fabrication process

Several advanced PCB manufacturing processes enable creating blind vias:

Sequential Lamination

Pre-formed vias in individual layers are precisely aligned during layer lamination to create blind interconnects between adjacent layers.

Laser Ablation

A laser can selectively ablate conformal dielectric coatings over a pad to expose it, opening a blind via.

Plasma Etching

Plasma etching can selectively remove thin dielectric layers to create openings for blind vias.

Photo-Imageable Dielectrics

Photo-via tenting processes use patterned photoimageable dielectrics to selectively create openings for blind vias.

Using any of these processes requires specialized equipment, materials, and tight process controls, increasing costs compared to standard PCB fabrication.

Benefits of Using Blind Vias

Compared to basic through-hole vias, blind vias provide several key advantages:

  • Higher routing density – Removing unused via lengths increases available routing channels.
  • Better electrical performance – Shorter vias have less inductance, resistance, and crosstalk.
  • Reduced layer counts – Fewer layers may be needed to achieve a given routing density.
  • Lower costs – Potentially lower layer counts and improved yields can reduce overall costs.
  • Better impedance control – Eliminating stubs allows closer impedance matching at high frequencies.
  • Enhanced isolation – Digital and analog signals can be better isolated on specific layers.
  • Improved reworkability – Smaller pad sizes and access from outer layers allows easier rework.
  • Higher reliability – Removing non-functional via sections reduces thermal stress.

Key Applications of Blind Vias

blind via size

Some typical use cases for blind vias:

  • Dense BGA routing under packages using fan-in microvias.
  • Layer transitions under components vs. escape routing around them.
  • Grounding vias from outer layers directly to internal planes avoiding stubs.
  • Effective shielding around RF circuits and antennas.
  • Board-to-board interconnects in stacked modules.
  • Mixed signal isolation between critical digital and analog routes.
  • High density flex, rigid-flex, and HDI PCB technologies.

Design Considerations for Blind Vias

When working with blind vias in PCB layout, key factors to consider include:

Via Size – Blind vias allow smaller diameters than through-hole but ensure adequate annular ring for plating.

Routing – Account for vias when routing to avoid creating stubs, mismatches, and crosstalk.

Thermal Management – Assess impact on heat dissipation without continuous plated through-hole vias.

Stackup Planning – Plan internal layers to group signals needing interconnects with blind vias.

Manufacturer Capability – Confirm capability and follow their specific design rules for blind vias.

Test Access – Ensure buried nets have test points or access vias for probing.

Cost Analysis – Weigh benefits vs. added cost when determining use of blind vias.

Reliability Considerations for Blind Vias

For quality and reliability of boards with blind vias, key considerations include:

Plating Coverage – Full plating of blind via holes is critical and should be verified by x-ray inspection.

Registration – Tight layer-to-layer alignment is required for sequentially laminated or tented blind vias.

Bonding – Many lamination interfaces with blind vias increases delamination risks.

Filling – Filling blind vias improves assembly yield and long-term reliability.

Stress – Assess thermal stress concentrations around vias for reliability.

Inspection – Use techniques like microsectioning to inspect buried blind via features.

Rework – Repair may be difficult or impossible for buried nets with only blind via access.

Comparison Between Via Types

how are blind vias made

Through-Hole Vias

  • Least complex fabrication, lowest cost
  • Highest inductance/resistance due to long hole
  • Requires plating process
  • Large diameters and pads can be used

Blind Vias

  • Moderate complexity, some cost increase
  • Lower inductance, resistance, and stubs
  • Often requires plating, drilling, tenting
  • Small to moderate diameter range

Buried Vias

  • Highest complexity, greatest cost impact
  • Lowest inductance, resistance, and cross-talk
  • No drilling or plating required
  • Very small microvias feasible


In summary, blind vias provide numerous advantages over basic through-hole vias for improved routing density, electrical performance, reduced layer counts, lower costs, better impedance control, and simplified rework. However, using blind vias requires advanced PCB processes and careful design considerations related to reliability, thermal management, inspection, and reworkability. When designed properly, blind vias enable superior interconnect solutions with reduced via lengths and stubs across a wide range of cutting-edge PCB applications.

Frequently Asked Questions

How are blind vias different from buried vias?

Blind vias connect between an outer layer and adjacent inner layer, while buried vias only join internal layers without reaching the outer surfaces. Blind vias require drilling and plating, buried vias do not.

What PCB technology enables creation of blind vias?

Sequential lamination, laser direct imaging, plasma etching of dielectrics, and photo-via tenting allow selectively creating blind via openings during fabrication.

What are the main benefits of using blind vias?

Key benefits are higher routing density, improved electrical performance, reduced layer counts, lower costs, better impedance control, enhanced isolation, easier rework, and higher reliability.

When would blind vias be used instead of through-hole vias?

Blind vias are preferred when interconnects are only needed between adjacent layers, avoiding unnecessary stubs and vias through the entire board thickness.

What are important design considerations with blind vias?

Key factors are via size/spacing, layer planning, matching PCB fabrication capabilities, thermal management, test access, reliability analysis, reworkability, and cost-benefit analysis.




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