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Full Introduction about Fr4 Dielectric Constant

What is the Dielectric Constant?

The dielectric constant (Dk) is a property of insulator materials that describes how readily the material can transmit an electric field. It is defined as the ratio of the permittivity of the material to the permittivity of free space. A higher dielectric constant indicates more concentration of electric flux for a given applied voltage.

For printed circuit boards, the Dk of the substrate laminate materials directly impacts key parameters like impedance, capacitance, and propagation delay which influence signal integrity, EMI control, and many other aspects of circuit performance. As such, having a solid understanding of PCB dielectric properties is important for electrical engineers.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll cover everything you need to know about the FR4 dielectric constant specifically, including its meaning, typical values, impact on circuit design, how it varies based on composition, frequency, humidity, temperature, and more. Let’s get started!

What is FR4 Material?

Fr4 Laminate
Fr4 Laminate

FR4 is the generic designation for the most common type of fiberglass-reinforced epoxy laminate material used as the substrate for rigid printed circuit boards. Some key attributes of FR4 include:

  • Glass fabric base material impregnated with flame-retardant epoxy resin
  • Available in wide range of thicknesses, typically from 0.4mm to 6mm
  • Composite construction provides mechanical strength and stability
  • Low cost, widely available, and well characterized for PCB fabrication
  • Used in vast majority of rigid PCB applications across consumer and industrial electronics

The FR4 designation comes from the flame-retardant treatment incorporated in the epoxy resin system. This gives the material enhanced fire resistance properties important for safe electronics assembly.

Multiple fabricators worldwide produce FR4 material in various grades under numerous trade names. But the performance is typically comparable for most general circuit board applications.

Typical FR4 Dielectric Constant

The dielectric constant of basic FR4 laminate materials commonly falls between 3.9 and 4.8 across frequencies up to around 1 GHz. Some examples include:

  • Isola FR408 HR – 3.9 to 4.4 over 1 MHz to 10 GHz
  • Nelco N4000-13 – 4.4 at 1 MHz falling to 4.1 at 1 GHz
  • Arlon CLTE – 4.7 over 1 MHz to 1 GHz
  • Taconic TLY – 4.6 over 100 MHz to 1 GHz

So in summary, assuming a Dk of 4.2-4.4 is reasonable for baseline budgetary FR4 dielectric assumptions up to GHz frequencies.

Of course, specialized FR4 blends are available from vendors with Dk values above and below the norm to meet particular requirements. Always check manufacturer data sheets for guaranteed properties.

Impact of Dielectric Constant on PCBs

The FR4 dielectric constant directly influences key electrical parameters that must be considered during circuit board layout and optimization. Some of the major interrelated impacts include:


For a given PCB trace width and height over the ground plane, a higher Dk allows a higher characteristic impedance to be achieved. This impedance matching is vital for signal integrity.


A higher Dk leads to increased parasitic capacitance between conductors as greater electric flux can be stored. This must be considered for maintaining desired frequency response.

Propagation Delay

Signals propagate more slowly in higher Dk materials, increasing delay and flight times through traces which can limit high-speed performance.


Faster signal edge rates coupled with higher Dk can increase crosstalk coupling to nearby traces which may require wider spacing.

Loss Tangent

Materials with higher Dk often have higher loss tangents, contributing more signal loss due to dielectric absorption.

EMI Susceptibility

Higher Dk materials concentrate more electrical flux, increasing susceptibility to external EMI interference.

Via Performance

With higher Dk, vias exhibit increased capacitive discontinuities, negatively impacting signal transmission through layer transitions.

In summary, the FR4 Dk impacts impedance control, propagation speed, parasitic capacitance, signal loss, EMI immunity, and more. Accounting for these effects is key during circuit optimization.

FR4 Dielectric Constant Variation

It’s important to understand that the FR4 dielectric constant is not a fixed value – it can vary based on several factors:

Resin Composition

The precise epoxy resin system used in the FR4 formulation impacts the dielectric constant. Values may differ slightly between various material suppliers.

Filler Composition

Dielectric properties change based on the filler content in the epoxy resin. Higher filler percentages generally increase the composite Dk.


Dk decreases gradually with rising frequency due to polarizability effects. A 10-20% reduction over 1 MHz to 10 GHz is typical.

Fiberglass Weave

The weave pattern of the glass fabric in the laminate construction can create minor anisotropies in Dk.

Moisture Absorption

Absorbed moisture significantly increases Dk as water has a very high dielectric constant. This is a major concern.


Dk exhibits a negative temperature coefficient, decreasing linearly with rising temperature due to increased molecular motion.

Lamina Thickness

Varying the number and thickness of laminate sheets changes the composite Dk based on the ratio of glass, resin, and air.

Copper Thickness

Since copper has a lower Dk than FR4, increasing copper thickness slightly lowers the overall composite Dk.

Manufacturing Tolerances

accepts. Slight Dk variations are possible in practice due to process variability.

Understanding these sources of variation allows designers to account for possible effects on critical parameters like impedance based on environmental exposure or production variance.

Controlling FR4 Dielectric Constant


To obtain a target dielectric constant, material suppliers can tailor the resin chemistry and filler composition. Some methods include:

  • Adjusting epoxy to phenolic resin ratios
  • Using brominated flame retardants to increase Dk
  • Incorporating high-Dk ceramic filler particles
  • Changing glass fabric weaves and density
  • Maximizing glass content for higher Dk

Tighter controls on lamination parameters like pressure and temperature also improve consistency. Engineers should select suppliers capable of providing guaranteed dielectric properties suitable for the application.

Low Dk and High Dk FR4 Materials

While standard FR4 materials for general use have a Dk around 4.2-4.6, engineered versions are available with dielectric constants above and below the norm.

Low Dk FR4

Some applications require lower dielectric constants. Properties down to Dk 3.0 can be achieved by:

  • Reducing glass fabric content in the composite
  • Using epoxy resin systems with lower polarizability
  • Tuning filler particle shapes and concentrations
  • Incorporating air voids into the laminate

High Dk FR4

For higher Dk values up to 6.0, manufacturers use tactics like:

  • Increasing glass fabric content
  • Employing non-brominated flame retardants
  • Adding high-Dk ceramic particles
  • Reducing resin flow for more air voids
  • Balancing resin viscosity and curing

Low Dk improves signal speed, while high Dk increases capacitance and impedance.

Dielectric Constant Testing

pcb dielectric constant

To validate that FR4 materials meet target Dk specs, standards-based qualification testing is used:

  • IPC-TM-650 – Test methods for printed boards
  • IPC-4103 – Specification for base materials
  • ASTM D150 – Measurement of dielectric constant
  • ASTM D2520 – Measuring Dk and loss tangent
  • ASTM D3380 – Measuring high frequency Dk

Both resin panels and finished laminates undergo characterization across frequency and temperature ranges. This ensures suppliers are meeting claimed Dk properties suitable for a given application.

Modeling and Simulating Dielectric Properties

To model the impact of FR4 dielectric properties on circuit performance, engineers use electromagnetic simulation techniques including:

Electrostatic Solvers

For capacitance, electric fields, and electrostatic discharge:

  • Method of Moments
  • Boundary Element Method
  • Finite Element Methods

Full Wave Electromagnetic Solvers

For impedance, transmission lines, propagation, and high-speed signals:

  • Finite-Difference Time-Domain (FDTD)
  • Finite Element Method
  • Transmission Line Matrix Methods
  • Equivalent Circuits Models

These solvers predict signal, power, and EMI characteristics to address topics like signal integrity, power integrity, and EMC compliance. Simulation provides insight without requiring fabrication.

Proper modeling of dielectric properties is vital for accurate results. Measured Dk and loss tangent data should be used as inputs.

Examples of Dielectric Impact

To illustrate the major effects of the FR4 dielectric constant in practice, here are some real-world examples:

Impedance Control

A 50 Ohm transmission line on standard FR4 (Dk=4.4) requires a 5.8 mil trace width over ground plane. But on lower Dk material (Dk=3.0), the same impedance could be achieved with an 8.2 mil trace.

Signal Speed

On standard FR4, a 100 MHz signal wavelength is about 8.4 inches. On a halved Dk of 2.2, the wavelength increases to 12 inches – a 40% boost.


A parallel plate capacitor of 1 cm2 area separated by 1 mm dielectric sees capacitance increase from 1.1 pF on Dk 2.2 material to 1.8 pF on FR4 with Dk 4.4.


A 100 MHz 5V logic signal transitions in 2.5 ns. On standard FR4 spacing at 4x line width may suffice. But with higher Dk, 6x spacing may be needed to reduce coupled noise.

Controlled Impedance Layers

To reach 50 Ohms on inner layers inside a bonded PCB stackup, standard FR4 cores may limit realizable trace impedances. Low Dk prepregs help attain targets.

These examples showcase how the FR4 Dk value impacts real-world PCB performance across multiple domains.


This guide provided a comprehensive overview of the FR4 dielectric constant – one of the most fundamental electrical properties influencing PCB circuit behavior and performance. Key takeaways include:

  • The dielectric constant describes how readily electric flux can transmit through a material
  • FR4 has a typical Dk between 4.2 and 4.6 for most general circuit boards up to GHz frequencies
  • dielectric constant affects impedance, propagation, parasitic capacitance, EMI immunity, loss tangent, and many other aspects of circuit operation
  • Dk varies based factors like resin chemistry, lamination process, frequency, moisture absorption and temperature
  • Both low Dk and high Dk engineered FR4 materials are available
  • Simulation modeling enables predicting dielectric effects on signals and EMI

With strong grasp of these dielectric properties, PCB designers can make informed material selections and design optimizations to achieve targeted impedance, propagation velocity, capacitance, and other critical electrical parameters. While often overlooked, understanding substrate dielectric properties is essential for controlling critical aspects of circuit performance.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does FR4 dielectric constant typically change over temperature?

A temperature coefficient of around -50 ppm/°C is normal, equating to approximately 4% decrease in Dk per 100°C rise.

Does conductor surface roughness impact dielectric constant?

Yes, conductor surface roughness decreases the effective Dk. Smoother copper and tighter lamination controls help minimize this drop.

How does moisture absorption affect dielectric constant?

Moisture can increase FR4 Dk by up to 30%, severely impacting impedance and signal speed. Good laminate sealing and limitations on humidity exposure are required.

Can different Dk values be used within a single PCB stackup?

Yes, using prepregs with tailored Dk allows fine impedance control through the cross section. This helps achieve target impedance on inner layers.

How much does FR4 Dk typically vary between supplier and batches?

Dielectric tolerance is often +/-10%. Tighter tolerances down to +/-5% are possible through improved process controls.


The FR4 dielectric constant has wide-ranging effects on circuit performance from impedance control to signal speed to EMI susceptibility. By leveraging knowledge of how Dk impacts PCB behavior, engineers can judiciously select materials, stackups, and layout rules to achieve optimized functional and electrical outcomes. A strong grasp of dielectric properties empowers designers to meet requirements for even the most demanding applications.




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