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All You Need to Know about Laser Print PCB

PCB manufacture is an extremely difficult operation that needs highly specific tools and engineering knowledge. The use of lasers is among the most recent breakthroughs in how technology has simplified key components of PCB manufacture.

A variety of materials are needed for PCB construction. To ensure both electrical and mechanical dependability, these materials are chosen depending on their electrical performance. The PCB manufacturing process heavily relies on PCB laser engraving.

Lasers Marking In PCBs

Circuit board marking is a crucial phase in the production of PCBs, and PCB lasers are being utilized for this. Due to the complexity of electronics production, it is crucial to label boards to identify essential components and ensure that parts are positioned correctly for proper connection.

Identification markers have grown in importance in the manufacture of PCBs. Alphanumeric identification markers have been used in the past. However, there are limitations because of the size of the PCB surface. Since they can provide accurate marking, lasers are utilized to label Boards.

Each PCB surface may benefit from adding identification codes, and fiber laser Printed Circuit Boards can employ barcode technology and QR codes that fit more data into a given area.

Lasers can mark Boards quickly and efficiently. They can quickly etch codes while shielding the material all around the application region from deformation or damage. Information is also provided through laser labeling during the fabrication of circuit boards. Precision, efficiency, and accuracy are crucial in this application.

It’s also crucial to understand that marking components with lasers follows the same process as marking printed circuit boards. This ensures that delicate and fragile components are really not put under excessive pressure while making it simple to identify and replace components.

Lasers Cutting In The PCBs

Cutting is a crucial part of PCB fabrication because a PCB needs to be constructed using only a stencil with holes for connecting and soldering components. PCB stencils may be quickly and efficiently cut in bulk using a fiber laser. The material of the circuit board may be punched by using a laser-cut PCB beam to create the required perforations, protecting the material’s structural integrity around it.

This technique must be repeated several times when mass production is involved. As they employ a non-contact method to cut the PCB materials, CNC laser PCB reduces damage from happening and reduces waste. An essential component of PCB production is fr4 cut by laser.

Lasers Sintering In The PCBs

Sintering is regarded as the ideal approach for attaching PCB components because it may resolve the issues with soldering and allow stronger, more reliable connections to develop as PCBs are being made.

Laser sintering enables the production of creative PCBs without solder, which represents the future of printed circuit boards. This method permits greater stability and works well in high-density PCBs. A silver-containing powder is exposed to a laser during the sintering process. The powder is heated by the laser until it reaches a melting temperature, at which point it is given the opportunity to cool and solidify.

Laser Cutting For The PCB Depaneling

For PCB manufacturers, laser depaneling is a fantastic technique that can save both money and time. Circuit boards have delicate components that are prone to damage, and laser depaneling lessens the strain on these components and the solder links they share.

How To Select Laser Routing For Depaneling of PCB?


One common method for depaneling is laser routing. This process makes sure that the board is not touched directly. Several manufacturers believe that laser routing is suitable for the delicate and compact PCBs utilized by the newest wearable technology.

Two lasers are used for PCB depaneling: CO2 and UV. The most crucial elements to take into account when choosing the kind of laser to employ are the relative significance of processing times and the tidiness of the outer edges.

Choosing The Right Laser Source

For the depaneling needs, it’s crucial that you use the right laser source. The pros and cons of UV and Co2 lasers are described below.

· UV Laser:

The “Cold” cutting technique is used with lasers that employ UV light. UV lasers have made it simple to regulate the edge’s thermal charring. Hence, if eliminating char is more important than speed, a UV laser seems to be a superior choice.

The pros of using Uv Lasers include Low HAZ, provides tidy cuts, a very thin kerf width, and the capability to cut the leads of copper with accuracy.

However, it also has cons. It takes a long time to cut and is a little bit expensive. 

Several iterations of laser scanners are used to cingulate the Boards when using a UV laser in order to obtain clean cuts. Software controllers are used to regulating the cut speed. The entire paneling that cingulate the board is sliced through by these cuts.

· Co2 Laser:

If the time of the cycle is highly critical to you, a CO2 laser seems to be a better choice. CO2 laser Printed Circuit Boards are more frequently used to produce perforated cuts but may also assist in making entire cuts. Using the perforation technique lessens char while also making it simpler to load and unload boards and panels from the cutting process.

With the perforation technique, the space between perforations is crucial. Lesser char upon the outer edge will result from a larger space, but it will take more effort to divide the boards. Depending on the specified requirements, we may simply alter perforation strength.

Moreover, when material thickness grows, both cycle time and charring increase. Laser cuts may be quicker and cleaner if panels with V-grooves were manufactured at the cut areas.

The pros of using this laser source includes quick speed cuts, cutting the thicker substrates accurately, costing less for every watt, and also allowing the aluminum panels for processing.

It also contains some cons which is Larger HAZ, greater kerf width, and more charring.

How To Improve Cut Accuracy For Depaneling of PCB?


The precision of the cutting while depaneling PCBs is crucial for reducing damage and waste. You must make sure that the cut location is constant, and you can do this by making sure that the laser is precisely aligned with the panel’s features and components.

To guarantee that the cuts precisely correspond to the circuits, a vision system recognizes certain elements on the board and modifies the cut route.

Why Laser Depaneling of PCB Is Better Than Other Methods?

  1. A no-contact methodology is used in the technique of laser routing. Hence, there is no mechanical pressure on the components.
  2. No need to replace or sharpen worn-out blades
  3. may cut through any route, even bends
  4. Software adjustments that make it easy and rapid to switch between several cut patterns
  5. No mechanical components are changed, and the blades aren’t adjusted.

Laser Drilling In PCBs

To construct connections between several layers, laser drilling creates holes in a PCB. In modern houses, we have HDI boards that employ laser drills as electronic equipment. Drilling using a laser ensures precision even when dealing with tiny diameters.

For a hole to be drilled, laser drilling uses laser energy. Using a machine to drill holes is quite different from this. To place components and provide connections between different layers, holes are bored into PCBs. On the plain reinforced glass, lasers can drill vias that are 2.5 to 3 mils thick. For an unreinforced dielectric, it can drill around 1 mil vias.

Benefits Of Drilling PCB With A Laser

There are various advantages to utilizing lasers for drilling. Some of them are described below.

· Precise control: 

With the aid of lasers, you can better regulate the laser beam’s period, intensity, and emission of heat. This offers excellent precision and facilitates the creation of different hole shapes.

· Multi-Tasking:

Cutting, sintering, welding, and other manufacturing operations may all be done using lasers.

· No-contact Process:

Lasers guarantee a non-contact technique, thus vibration from drilling has no impact on the object being worked on.

· High Aspect Ratio:

An essential drilling hole parameter is the aspect ratio. The ratio of the hole’s diameter to its depth is known as the aspect ratio. Due to their ability to create holes with tiny diameters, lasers have a high aspect ratio.

Factors To Consider During Laser Drilling


There are some factors that need to be taken into consideration while drilling with a laser. The main two factors are

· The copper Thickness:

The desired copper layer’s lowest thickness must be two times as thick as that of the topmost copper layer that will be drilled. The best method for creating micro vias in Printed circuit boards is with lasers. PCB manufacture relies on laser-drilled micro vias.

· Non-homogeneity Of The Stack-Up:

The stack-up non-homogeneity is crucial when drilling with lasers. Different materials absorb energy at different rates. For instance, the glass fibers and FR4 resin absorb energy at the same rate. Because glass vaporizes considerably more quickly than BT epoxy, glass fibers are left in the hole.


Lasers are crucial pieces of specialized machinery utilized in the production of PCBs. These tools serve the purpose of cutting, drilling, sintering, and marking PCBs, among other things. This technology is a better solution for PCB producers since it gives accuracy. Lasers also employ the no-contact method, making it simple to employ during PCB manufacturing. In the manufacture of PCBs, laser engraving is employed.




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