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Common Types of IoT Sensors Impacting our Modern World

Did you know that IOT sensors are crucial to human development? It is very important to note that you can find sensors everywhere. Also, it could be said that these sensors are as old as man. This is because for every technological advancement, sensors are part of it.

The IOT sensors are in schools, machines, homes, malls, cars, hospitals, airplanes, and other places or facilities you didn’t know they could be present.

In this article, we shall discuss elaborately on 17 different types of Internet of Things referred to as IOT sensors. Also, we shall consider their unique features and frequently asked questions about this subject matter.

What Do IOT Sensors Really Mean?

As earlier mentioned, Internet of Things makes our lives easier and these sensors are in use for our daily activities. Our smart phones are functional because of the sensors present in them.

Sensors are tools that easily identify changes around us. Thus, they don’t only identify these changes, they react to them. Across the globe, many industries use different types of sensors. To simply put, sensors are integral parts of all organizations in the human space.

With the availability of sensors, we can collect data. At the same time, we share this data with wide range of connected appliances. Therefore, it is safer to say that our world “runs” on sensors. Also, the IOT space is becoming broader everyday. Furthermore, there are more data that we process and transmit new facts, figures, information, and statistics to huge archive or data bank.

Additionally, the IOT sensors have wide range of devices which provide network via software that can collect and send data through the Internet.

Interestingly, every IOT tool can gather massive data from their surroundings. This data may include several things such as human behavior. Also, it can gather data about weather conditions, climate change, and detect human response to the environment.

Also, IOT tools can transfer data collected from our environment for processing through digital devices without interference from us. We don’t have to analyze data ourselves from time to time. Also, devices format data in ways that both humans and different tools can understand.

The Major Types of IOT Sensors in the IOT World


In this part of the article, we shall consider 17 types of Internet of Things sensors that have shaped the human existence. They are all applicable to various industries you can think of.

Temperature Sensors

The temperature sensors have become so useful in various industries. Thus, this type of IOT sensors has great influence in our ecosystem. Also, you can observe how refrigerators work. The temperature sensors can easily expose the temperature of such object. It can transmit the degrees at which there is hotness or coldness of an atmospheric condition.

Also, the temperature sensors can calculate volume of heat intensity from any source. Similarly, it can reveal the degrees of temperature modification in an object. Therefore, it alters such modification, converting it to data for future purpose. So, this type of sensor works for agriculture because one needs to control temperature around the farmland.

This type of sensor has at least four groupings. They include the following.

 RTD: This is simply the Resistance Temperature Detectors. Also, this tool can calculate temperature based on modification in resistance. Also, one can observe the film and coil of this device.

Semiconductor: This device reads temperature and is regarded as minute chip. It works as amplifier and oscillator. Interestingly, this tool saves computer memory.

Thermocouple: This tool calculates temperature thereby storing up alterations in voltage. One thing is, its output voltage is influenced by degrees of temperature at such particular time.

Thermistor: This device easily reacts to alterations in temperature. This implies that, it can modify its resistance physically as a result of detection of temperature modification.

Proximity Sensors

Sometimes, proximity sensors are taken as motion sensors. However, they serve varying purposes. So, one can’t conclude they are similar. Furthermore, proximity sensors can calculate and detect any distance from a device. Thus, it doesn’t necessarily have to physically come in contact with any object before proximity sensors can detect distance. They are available in IOT applications.

Proximity sensors can quickly sense mobility and that is why proximity sensor is widely common in any retail sector. Also, proximity sensors are great at detecting close contacts on connected devices. Again, you find proximity sensors common in places such as airports, shopping centers, mortar stores, convenience stores, and stadiums.

Furthermore, proximity sensor is grouped into ultrasonic sensor, capacitive sensors, and inductive sensors. Also, proximity sensors use some photoelectric technicalities to detect nearby contacts. The use of light is important in this case.

Pressure Sensors

As the name implies, pressure sensors deal with calculating the pressure applicable to any form of sensor. Thereby, pressure sensors can work on atmospheric force. Pressure sensors calculate the volume of pressure that a fluid needs so as not to dilate. Also,  pressure sensors work for industrial apps.

Interestingly, this sensor can calculate weight of an animal because it measures volume of pressure used per unit. Also, pressure sensor is a type of the IOT sensors can detect alterations in fluids which could be gaseous or liquid. As long as the force modifies, this sensor senses such changes. Therefore, it transmits the data to connected devices.

Optical Sensors

This class of sensor works with light conversion. This implies that optical sensors change light to electronic indicator. Today, we have countless use cases where optical sensors are functional. Commonly, optical sensors work for vehicles. This is because optical sensors respond to signals. So, a driver can detect alterations while driving because optical sensors can process any obstacles.

For every smart phone, optical sensors play a vital role in their construction. Battery life relies on light sensor for expansion. For smart cars, optical sensors are useful in them. This is because such cars use optical sensors for detecting factors that may alter motion in vehicles. It easily detects any unfavorable condition on the roadways. So, optical sensors help scan both vehicles and roads regularly.

Concurrently, optical sensors calculate various devices. Optical sensors can surveil electronic device, light, and electricity. So, this makes it functional in healthcare and biomedical.

Humidity Sensors

humidity sensor project
Humidity Sensors

Humidity Sensors are instrumental in calculating humidity. Also, if any alterations occur in humidity, the humidity sensors easily indicate. As they are functional in residential area, the humidity sensors also work for industrial purpose.

Over the years, the humidity sensors have been useful in meteorology stations, hospitals, and other industries. Interestingly, it helps calculate volume in relation to water vapor and gases. Furthermore, it works for ventilating as well as heating. Since it measures water vapor, it helps in predicting weather conditions.

Chemical Sensors

There is no doubt that chemical sensors have saved lives. Also, this is because with the aid of chemical sensors, it traces chemical outflow from containers. When this happens, it alerts humans by processing data collected and analysis takes place.

The chemical sensors help manage harmful chemicals that may affect human existence. That is why they are useful in any plant environment. Also, it identifies any contaminations in chemical formation fluids. This sensor greatly impacts our lives because it helps prevent accidents.

Some chemical sensors include chemiresistor, chemical transistor, and electrochemical sensor. Also, this sensor identifies any explosive chemicals in our environment.

Infrared Sensors

These IOT sensors are available in two types. Infrared sensors can either be passive or active sensors.

The passive infrared sensors are common and are available in quantum or thermal types. However, the quantum types work quicker. For the active sensors, it uses photodiode to identify items.

The infrared sensors always have varying degrees of output. Also, this relies on the force of signal it gets. The infrared sensors quickly detect intensity of infrared radiation in the environment. Thus, the infrared sensors can emit this infrared radiation. Additionally, it calculates emission of heat from devices.

For instance, in healthcare, infrared sensors are vital. This is because they can scan blood pressure. Also, televisions can receive signals through infrared sensors. Also, infrared sensors are crucial for viewing concealed layers in works of art such as painting. Furthermore, it detects the authenticity of these paintings and reveals any modifications in them.

Gas Sensors

These types of IOT sensors work for air contamination. This implies that the gas sensors can sense any toxins in air. It helps to maintain a safe and serene environment by monitoring the quality of air around us. Therefore, if there is any alteration in air quality, it immediately receives signal.

For instance, for the mining industry, the gas sensors are important. It helps to detect harmful gasses. Also, an industry such as oil and gas can use gas sensors to detect carbon dioxide and combustible gases. There are common gas sensors and they include hydrogen sensor, hygrometer, oxygen sensor, air pollution sensor, gas detector, and breathalyzer. All these sensors simply help to surveil quality of air, sense changes in it, and identify different gasses.

Smoke Sensor

As its name implies, these types of IOT sensors are specifically made to detect smoke and possible hazard it causes. It identifies any airborne contaminants. No doubt, the smoke sensor is very efficient in this regard.

Smoke can cause toxins in the environment. That is why many manufacturing industries use smoke sensor to detect level of emission of smoke. Smoke sensor monitor fire, flame, and gasses. As a result of this, it reduces the exposure to danger in many hazardous environments. Optical smoke sensor is a common type of smoke sensor.

Level Sensors

These types of IOT sensors help to detect the level of any substance or particles that emanate from any source. Also, these sources may be closed and open sources. It detects level of any liquid that may emanate from different systems.

Importantly, the level sensors are gaining more popularity today. As such, many industries use them. This is to alert them of the level at which substances flow through different sources.

The level sensors can also monitor and gauge fuel levels. Industries producing alcohol use the level sensors to calculate amount of liquid substance they have. Water reservoirs, compressors, and machine devices use level sensors. Note that the purpose of using level sensors is to collect and process available data.

Gyroscope Sensors

Gyroscope sensors can calculate speed. It is a sensor that detects velocity of speed. It is a common type of sensor that automotive uses. For video games, the gyroscope sensors help to calculate the motion sensing. Anything in relation to speed, this sensor works for it.

Gyroscopes are referred to as angular velocity sensors. To trail the motion of a device, the gyroscope sensors apply gravity for this. The various kinds of gyroscope sensors you can find are vibrating structure and rotary.

Noise Sensors

The noise sensors are important sensors because they help to calculate the volume of noise from any device. Also, noise pollution can be controlled with the aid of this sensor.

Thus, this sensor can easily detect noise level. Noise levels can be known these days because of the use of noise sensors. Integrated microphone as part of the noise sensor makes it possible to scan climatic sound. This way, you can easily trace sound and noise levels. Also, you process data gather while generating reports.

Noise sensors are mostly used in environments that produces harmful noise. Construction industry uses noise sensors. Also, these sensors help to scan road traffic. Thus, it helps to research noise hazards on the roads.

Noise sensors are helpful at homes, too. It helps to detect the level of noise pollution around you. Furthermore, certain noise sensors manage noise levels for kids as well as pets.

There are two types of noise sensors. Also, they include geo phone and hydrophone. A geo phone can modify motion from the ground to voltage. It is what geophysicists use in calculating electromotive force from barometer. This is known as seismic activity.

Hydrophone detects and archives sounds, echoes, and noise from underwater. Also, it records every sound gathered from each direction of the underwater. It helps to note the varying degrees of noise from the underwater and process information. Less than a month, one can record deep underwater sounds using the hydrophone.

Magnetic Sensors

These types of IOT sensors are similar to proximity sensors. Also, they may have some slight differences. However, their similarity is in relation to how both sensors can identify the presence of devices. Whether the devices are nearby or distant, proximity sensors can detect it.

For magnetic sensors, electromagnetic radiation is important. This way, they can easily sense objects. Modification that takes place in any magnetic field can be identified by magnetic sensors.

It identifies modification in strength and flux of the field. It responds to modification in the field by giving signals. Also, they can give linear sensing. Furthermore, reed switches are one of the types of magnetic sensors.

Motion Sensors

As its name implies, motion sensors simply identify movements. However, these movements are measured within a specific orbit. Note that, they can give electrical signals when they detect anything including the appearance of somebody.

Motion sensors are mostly in accessible places like public environments. They are in toilet flushes, soap dispensers, doorways, and in many buildings. They are also present in many camera triggers. That is why they can give signals or alerts when there is detection of something. One can see them in apps meant for security purposes.

Water Sensors

We all need quality water that won’t harm us. That is why water sensors are important. The water sensors help to keep water clean and purified. In this way, our general well being is not exposed to water pollution.

Certain parameters are used for measuring water with these sensors. These are temperature, conductivity, salinity, and pH. This way, a lot of conservation takes place around us.

Some conditions of the water are also evaluated. These range from its physical to chemical composition as well as biological condition. Also, note that these sensors can also detect how pure some water bodies are. It includes the rivers as well as lakes. At the end, only quality water will be available for both industrial use and human absorption.

Water sensors can be used in both flowing water and stored ones in tanks or reservoirs. Also, some swimming pools have these sensors in them.



Accelerometers are useful sensors because they help to detect the modification in gravity. Sometimes, there are certain modifications that affect gravity. In such occurrences, accelerometers are functional in identifying acceleration. This implies that, in relation to time, the rate at which modification affects the velocity of any item can be measured.

Also, accelerometers can scan through objects to know the change in its gravity. So, it raises alert if there is an alteration in any device. For instance, pedometers use accelerometers. One can also monitor a flight by checking gravity and motion through accelerometers. Therefore, it sends signals when there is a change in its performance. In addition, data processing helps to detect any faults in devices using accelerometers.

Capacitive Sensors

Capacitive sensors are types of IOT sensors that help to identify certain metallic devices. Also, they help in identifying devices that are non-metallic.

Also, some apps are intricate. Therefore, these types of IOT sensors can help track any device irrespective of how simple or complex they are.

What are the Advantages of IOT Sensors?

There are numerous advantages we derive from sensors. In today’s world, data is important. We can all have access to data because of the availability of sensors. Furthermore, different industries rely on sensors for business. Also, in our individual lives, Internet of Things makes things smoother for us. Our gadgets rely on sensors to be functional.

To gather data about our environment, weather conditions, biological composition, chemical substances, we depend on sensors. IOT devices rely on sensors, too.  From our physical world to digital devices, sensors are important.

Humans no longer have to do some activities themselves. Nowadays, with Artificial Intelligence, our world keeps progressing. The truth is, all benefits of sensors can’t be limited. Daily, huge archives of data are processed and humans can analyze information because of sensors. Even with little storage unit, IOT sensors are still operational.

We can now have access to Internet as a result of advancement in IOT. Mining data is possible for many industries. Also, we can now have availability of data for more than one reason.

Frequently Asked Questions

There are some commonly asked questions when it comes to the world of IOT sensors. In this part of the article, let us consider some of these questions. Also, there are possibilities that questions you need answers for will be answered.

Where Can IOT Sensors Be Used?

People get concerned about places IOT devices can be used. Also, it should be noted that IOT don’t need human response to them before they run. IOT can sense anything irrespective of distance.

Farmers use IOT for agricultural purpose. However, the way we all use IOT differ. This is because our needs are different. Also, the use of IOT in biomedical is a bit different from automotive and military. However, there is connection in data processing.

Are there IOT Data?

This is one of the common questions people ask. Devices use IOT data and collect it from various devices. Data can be sent across several devices for analyze because of the IOT sensors. Through wireless medium, data can be collected. It is not a necessity to have power source before IOT can connect to devices.

What do IoT Sensors measure?

IoT Sensors gather huge amount of data about their surroundings. Also, these sensors can measure light, measurement, and air quality. Furthermore, water quality, soil moisture, and motion.


There are different types of IOT sensors in today’s world. Also, it is great that humans can explore these sensors including rain sensors, image sensors, magnetic sensors, infrared sensors, among others. Also, IoT can measure motion, temperature, gravity, sounds, smoke, flame, water, and many other things.

 Furthermore, it sends alert when there is danger. With it, we can sense obstacles that may affect future innovations. So, we are able to proffer quick solutions to such challenge. We hope that you have learnt the importance of IOT to our world.




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