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How to Choose Xilinx Artix 7 FPGA With Full Part Number List

Have you ever heard of the Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board before?

The Xilinx Artix-7 is a highly flexible and powerful development board. It can develop, prototype, and validate algorithms for use in embedded FPGAs. This is perfect for software-defined radio (SDR) applications. It can operate at much higher frequencies than other boards. This board is the result of the collaboration between Xilinx and Andy Tudhope, a LambdaTera engineer.

For those who like to get technical about things, this board takes advantage of the Xilinx Virtex-7 FPGA ICs. It can perform digital signal processing operations at frequencies between 100MHz and 3GHz.


The board helps develop, prototyping, and validate algorithms for use in FPGAs. It can function with maximum frequencies of up to 3GHz, which allows it to operate at much higher frequencies than other boards. This board results from the collaboration between Xilinx and Andy Tudhope, a LambdaTera designer. They focus on highly successful designs. For instance, the Opteron-based server boards and highly successful embedded development platforms as Development Board 2 (DB2) and Development Board 3 (DB3). It enables designers such as RayMing PCB and Assembly to use advanced data structures to develop efficient electronics.


fpga xilinx artix 7

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board uses a low-cost design that includes a Gigabit Ethernet interface and dual USB 2.0 ports for fast communication. It also has a range of USB-compatible FPGA features. For instance, analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) and digital-to-analog converters (DACs).

The board makes use of the 32MB SDRAM memory that is useful in holding FPGA bitstreams.

This board has three buttons that we can use to flash firmware or reset the system and LEDs to provide feedback on all aspects of its operation.

The board also provides a USB serial port for debugging and diagnostic operations.

This board uses an external power supply to ensure that the board always has power during development. It has a host interface to accommodate the latest JTAG debuggers.

The board has two 16-bit digital-to-analog converters (DACs). They can simulate the behavior of analog devices like microphones and speakers (also known as DACs). We can connect them into an FPGA’s input/output blocks. It helps to simulate the behavior of real-world devices like microphones and loudspeakers (also known as DACs).

Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board features


The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board has a set of features that is sure to excite and interest beginners and professionals alike.

Here are some of its key features:

1. Programmable System Integration

Programmable System Integration is a process used to integrate a digital microcontroller with an FPGA. This board provides a platform for beginners and professionals alike to learn about the integration process and how it works. The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board comes with a comprehensive feature set tailored to support the integration process.

2. Development Platform

The development platform created by the Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board is ideal for learning purposes. At the same time, it is flexible and powerful enough to work in actual production processes. The development board contains an onboard Gigabit Ethernet interface and dual USB 2.0 ports for fast communication. Thus, offering a range of features that we can repurpose for use in different applications. The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board comes with a set of features that we can use to develop and evaluate arbitrary algorithms for embedded systems.

3. SDR Technology

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board uses this technology to facilitate signal processing operations. FPGA device used in this board supports frequencies between 100MHz and 3GHz. They operate at much higher frequencies than other boards. This technology can carry out digital signal processing (DSP) operations. It makes it ideal for software-defined radio (SDR) applications. This board is compatible with the Zynq-7000 family of programmable systems. It makes it ideal for use with high-performance embedded processing platforms. For instance, the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Development Kit (DEVKIT).

4. Online Resources

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board is compatible with many online resources designed for beginners and professionals alike. It also comes with an online resource center that provides helpful tips and guidelines for different applications. Users of this board can also contact the customer support team for help.

5. Onboard Flash Memory

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board features 32MB of SDRAM memory. We can use it to hold the bitstreams programmed into the FPGA device of the development board.

We can use the SDRAM memory to store FPGA bitstreams that we can transfer to and from the FPGA device.

6. Onboard Resources

It features several onboard resources that support embedded system designers and engineers. It comes with a USB serial port for debugging diagnostic operations and LEDs. They provide feedback on all aspects of its operation. It also includes three buttons that we can use to flash firmware or reset the development board, along with a 4-digit 7-segment display.

7. Secure Development Framework

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board comes with a Secure Development Framework (SD Framework). It reduces the amount of time spent on debugging because it provides an easy-to-use graphical user interface for debugging operations. This also contains an online help resource to access information about the board’s features and functions easily.

8. Lithium-Ion Batteries

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board has a set of Lithium-Ion batteries for power distribution. Lithium-Ion battery used in this board can hold a charge for six months to one year. It allows it to provide enough power for most applications during development and prototyping phases.

9. Onboard Debugging and Testing

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board comes with an onboard debug module that can communicate with the FPGA device used in the board. This board features a host interface that allows it to accommodate the latest JTAG debuggers.

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board also supports a range of physical interfaces, including USB 3.0 and Gigabit Ethernet for programming and communication operations, as well as microSD and SATA interfaces.

Advantages of using the Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board

artix 7 fpga

There are many advantages of using the Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board, including the following:

1. Flexible Design

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board is flexible enough for different application reprogramming. It comes with a comprehensive set of features that we can use to develop systems or embedded solutions. This flexibility allows designers to develop an application for their specific needs. The device also features different I/O options. It gives users more freedom to determine how they can connect it–whether via USB, Ethernet, or wireless connections.

2. System Integration

This board can facilitate system integration through its use of programmable devices and I/O options. We can use it to develop and prototype embedded systems. It allows users to gain hands-on experience in integration and development. This feature makes it ideal for use in educational institutions. It allows students and teachers alike to explore the area of system integration.

3. Multiple Power Sources

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board comes with a set of Lithium-Ion batteries. It allows users to connect it to different power sources such as solar panels or wall sockets. Users can also use the batteries alone instead of connecting the board to a power source.

4. Upgradable Design

We can repurpose the Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board for different applications. It helps facilitate easy configuration and fast operation. Users can reprogram the FPGA device and its onboard resources to fit different needs and requirements.

5. Integrated Development

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board is compatible with several development systems. For instance, the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC system and the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC Development Kit (DEVKIT). These two boards support various applications. It makes it ideal for users and developers to develop and test embedded systems.

6. Online Support

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board comes with an online customer support team. They provide free technical support for users encountering problems while using the board. Users can also access the online library featured in the resource center of the Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board. It helps them with any difficulties or problems they may be experiencing.

7. Preloaded Resources

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board comes with a preloaded design that we can use after purchasing it. So, users can start prototyping and testing their ideas without having to configure or develop a customized design from scratch.

8. Compatible with the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC

This board is compatible with the Zynq UltraScale+ MPSoC system. It makes it ideal for educational institutions to facilitate the development and testing of embedded systems. The board also supports a wide range of other devices, making it a good choice for various settings.

9. Innovative Design

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board features an innovative design. It allows users to develop embedded systems that adapt to changes and shifts in their environments. The flexible design allows for reprogramming it without affecting its performance or functionality.

10. Education-Friendly

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board is education-friendly. Because we can use it in classrooms and educational settings to help students realize the power of system integration. It allows students to explore and learn about various applications. It includes design, embedded systems, and digital signal processing.

11. Cost-effective

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board has a reasonable price tag that makes it a good buy for business and educational institutions. This makes it affordable for users from both home and school. Because it saves them from paying for separate training or setup costs once they have purchased the device.

Limitations of the Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board comes with several limitations, including the following:

1. Independent Programming Support

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board offers its users many advantages and advantages in terms of performance and functionality. Still, the device does not support third-party development tools and software packages. While this is not a problem for software developers, it does mean that design engineers cannot accelerate the process of system integration or application development by using third-party tools and software. The device also does not have any debugging option; users will have to use their JTAG port to debug applications.

2. Slow Programming Time

Another disadvantage of using the Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board is that the device takes a long time to program. So, users will need to spend more time developing programs for their embedded systems. This makes it impossible for users to develop embedded systems with customized configurations or applications.

3. Not Suitable for High-Performance Applications

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board is unsuitable for high-performance applications. This is because it is suitable for simple and basic system integration projects. However, the device does not support complex or powerful features like wireless connectivity or memory expansion.

4. Limited Resources

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board comes with limited resources. It does not come with any memory expansion options to allow users to expand the memory in their embedded systems. This device also does not support CPU-intensive applications. It is because it can only support basic processing.

5. Limit in Number of Devices that we can use

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board can support up to 12 devices in the same system. It makes it suitable for small or home settings for basic digital signal processing or single sensor systems. However, this may not be sufficient for users to develop large or complex applications. Especially ones that require more onboard computing resources.

6. Limited Coverage Area on the Device

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board has a smaller coverage area than other FPGA boards. It means that it can only support small projects with limited hardware requirements. While the device is ideal for small projects, it does not provide enough computing power to meet complex applications requiring more than 12 devices to function properly.

7. Limited Memory

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board only comes with a maximum of 1GB of programmable memory. This means that users will have to spend most of their time developing applications for their projects.

8. Not Compatible with Xilinx EDKs

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board is not compatible with the Xilinx EDK software development kits. It makes it difficult for users to use third-party tools and resources to accelerate the process of system integration or application development without paying for separate training or setups.

Applications of the Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board

Xilinx Artix 7 FPGA Series Part Number List

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board is ideal for use in a variety of settings, including the following:

1. Educational Institutions

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board is ideal for educational institutions. This is because it has a wide range of applications that can help students realize the power of system integration by exploring or learning about various applications. These include digital signal processing, single sensor systems, and design. The device can also function as an extension of an existing computer lab. It can help enhance students’ understanding of integrating hardware and software devices.

2. Home Users

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board is ideal for home users because it is a base for SBCs and PC applications. The device also comes with a small form factor. It makes it ideal for users who want to create or develop Heathkit-like projects. It is also ideal for hobbyists who want to build off-the-shelf systems that function like the one they have used in the past.

3. Industrial and Manufacturing Applications

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board can support industrial and manufacturing applications. This is because it can provide cost-effective solutions. It allows users to increase the efficiency of digital signal processing applications. We can use the device in applications requiring low latency, such as robotics and automation.

4. Medical Application

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board is ideal for use in medical applications because it offers a wide range of features that can be useful in designing cost-effective solutions for various medical devices. These include digital signal processing, single sensor systems, and design. The device can also function as an extension of an existing computer lab, which can help enhance users’ understanding of integrating hardware and software devices.

5. Robotics and Automation Applications

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board is ideal for robotics and automation applications because it is a base for SBCs and PC applications. It also comes with a small form factor, making it ideal for users who want to create or develop Heathkit-like projects or hobbyists who want to build off-the-shelf systems that function like the one they have used in the past.

6. Home Theater Applications

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board is ideal for use in home theater applications. It also comes with a small form factor, making it ideal for users who want to create or develop Heathkit-like projects or hobbyists who want to build off-the-shelf systems that function like the one they have used in the past.

7. Enterprise and Government Applications

The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board is ideal for enterprise and government applications because it is a base for SBCs and PC applications. It also comes with a small form factor, making it ideal for users who want to create or develop Heathkit-like projects or hobbyists who want to build off-the-shelf systems that function like the one they have used in the past.

Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board examples

Common specifications for these boards include

  • Made In Japan
  • RoHS compliance
  • User LED x2
  • Tested all I/O
  • Credit-Card-Size 3.386″x 2.126″ (86 x 54 mm)
  • High-quality ten-layer PCB. (Immersion gold)
  • Status LED x2 (Power, Done)
  • User Switch x2 (Push x1, DIP x1bit)
  • Power-on Reset IC for FPGA configuration
  • Onboard clocks – 200 MHz (LVDS)
    • 50 MHz (LVTTL)
  • Power: 3.3 V single supply – Sequenced power supplies (Power on)
    • 1.0 V/1.2 V/1.5 V/1.8 V/2.5 V onboard regulators
  • JTAG port (7 pin socket)
  • Configuration Device: MT25QL128ABA1ESE-0SIT (Micron, 128 Mbit)
  • DDR3 SDRAM: MT41K64M16 (Micron, 1 Gbit)
  • RocketIO Tx/Rx 2ch
  • Separated Vcco input for each connector – IOD: External input from CND Connector
    • IOC: External input from CNC Connector
    • IOB: External input from CNB Connector
    • IOA: Fixed to 3.3V input from CNA Connector
  • User I/O: 296 (HIROSE connectors, 80 pin x2, 100 pin x2) – IOD (CND Connector): 84
    • IOC (CNC Connector): 84
    • IOB (CNB Connector): 64
    • IOA (CNA Connector): 64

[XCM-211] Xilinx Artix-7 FFG1156 FPGA board

  • XC7A200T1FFG1156C: 296 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 500 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 10 CMT (MMCM x1 + PLL x1), 740 DSP Slices, 13,140 Maximum Block RAM (kb), 2,888 Maximum Distributed RAM (kb), 33,650 Slices, and 215,360 Logic Cells

[EDX-302] Xilinx Artix-7 USB-FPGA board

  • XC7A100T-1FTG256C: 4,860 Total Block RAM (kb), 56 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 170 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 1,188 Maximum Distributed RAM (kb), 101,440 Logic Cells, and 15,850 Slices
  • XC7A50T-1FTG256C: 2,700 Total Block RAM (kb), 56 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 170 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 600 Maximum Distributed RAM (kb), 52,160 Logic Cells, and 8,150 Slices
  • XC7A75T-1FTG256C: 3,780 Total Block RAM (kb), 56 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 170 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 892 Maximum Distributed RAM (kb), 75,520 Logic Cells, and 11,800 Slices
  • XC7A35T-1FTG256C: 1,800 Total Block RAM (kb), 56 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 170 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 400 Maximum Distributed RAM (kb), 33,280 Logic Cells, and 5,200 Slices
  • XC7A15T-1FTG256C: 900 Total Block RAM (kb), 56 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 170 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 200 Maximum Distributed RAM (kb), 16,640 Logic Cells, and 2,600 Slices

[XCM-307] Xilinx Artix-7 FTG256 FPGA board

  • XC7A100T-1FTG256C: 56 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 170 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 6 CMT (MMCMx1+PLLx1), 240 DSP Slice, 4,860 Maximum Block RAM (kb), 1,188 Maximum Distributed RAM (kb), 101,440 Logic Cells, and 15,850 Slices
  • XC7A35T-1FTG256C: 56 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 170 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 5 CMT (MMCMx1+PLLx1), 90 DSP Slice, 1,800 Maximum Block RAM (kb), 400 Maximum Distributed RAM (kb), 33,280 Logic Cells, and 5,200 Slices

[XCM-208] Xilinx Artix-7 FBG676 FPGA board

  • XC7A200T-1FBG676C: 296 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 400 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 10 CMT (MMCM x1 + PLL x1), 740 DSP Slices, 13,140 Maximum Block RAM (kb), 2,888 Maximum Distributed RAM (kb), 33,650 Slices, and 215,360 Logic Cells

[XCM-114] Xilinx Artix-7 F484 FPGA board

  • XC7A200T-1FGG484C: 10 CMT (MMCM x1 + PLL x1), 740 DSP Slices, 2 GTP Channel (Board), 4 GTP Channel (Device), 128 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 285 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 13,140 Maximum Block RAM (Kbits), 2,888 Maximum Distributed RAM (Kbits), 215,360 Logic Cells, and 33,650 Slices
  • XC7A100T-1FBG484C: 6 CMT (MMCM x1 + PLL x1), 240 DSP Slices, 2 GTP Channel (Board), 4 GTP Channel (Device), 128 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 285 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 4,860 Maximum Block RAM (Kbits), 1,188 Maximum Distributed RAM (Kbits), 101,440 Logic Cells, and 15,850 Slices
  • XC7A75T-1FBG484C: 6 CMT (MMCM x1 + PLL x1), 180 DSP Slices, 2 GTP Channel (Board), 4 GTP Channel (Device), 128 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 250Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 3,780 Maximum Block RAM (Kbits), 892 Maximum Distributed RAM (Kbits), 75,520 Logic Cells, and 11,800 Slices
  • XC7A50T-1FBG484C: 5 CMT (MMCM x1 + PLL x1), 120 DSP Slices, 2 GTP Channel (Board), 4 GTP Channel (Device), 128 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 250 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 2,700 Maximum Block RAM (Kbits), 600 Maximum Distributed RAM (Kbits), 52,160 Logic Cells, and 8,150 Slices
  • XC7A35T-1FBG484C: 5 CMT (MMCM x1 + PLL x1), 90 DSP Slices, 2 GTP Channel (Board), 4 GTP Channel (Device), 128 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 250 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 1,800 Maximum Block RAM (Kbits), 400 Maximum Distributed RAM (Kbits), 33,280 Logic Cells, and 5,200 Slices

[XCM-023] Xilinx Artix-7 F484 FPGA board

  • XC7A200T: 10 CMT (MMCM x1 + PLL x1), 740 DSP Slices, 4 GTP Channel (Board), 4 GTP Channel (Device), 100 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 285 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 13,140 Maximum Block RAM (Kbits), 2,888 Maximum Distributed RAM (Kbits), 215,360 Logic Cells, and 33,650 Slices
  • XC7A100T: 6 CMT (MMCM x1 + PLL x1), 240 DSP Slices, 4 GTP Channel (Board), 4 GTP Channel (Device), 100 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 285 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 4,860 Maximum Block RAM (Kbits), 1,188 Maximum Distributed RAM (Kbits), 101,440 Logic Cells, and 15,850 Slices
  • XC7A75T: 6 CMT (MMCM x1 + PLL x1), 180 DSP Slices, 4 GTP Channel (Board), 4 GTP Channel (Device), 100 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 250 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 3,780 Maximum Block RAM (Kbits), 892 Maximum Distributed RAM (Kbits), 75,520 Logic Cells, and 11,800 Slices
  • XC7A50T: 5 CMT (MMCM x1 + PLL x1), 120 DSP Slices, 4 GTP Channel (Board), 4 GTP Channel (Device), 100 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 250 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 2,700 Maximum Block RAM (Kbits), 600 Maximum Distributed RAM (Kbits), 52,160 Logic Cells, and 8,150 Slices
  • XC7A35T: 5 CMT (MMCM x1 + PLL x1), 90 DSP Slices, 4 GTP Channel (Board), 4 GTP Channel (Device), 100 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 250 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 1,800 Maximum Block RAM (Kbits), 400 Maximum Distributed RAM (Kbits), 33,280 Logic Cells, and 5,200 Slices

[XCM-023W] Xilinx Artix-7 F484 FPGA board

  • XC7A200T: 10 CMT (MMCM x1 + PLL x1), 740 DSP Slices, 100 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 285 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 13,140 Maximum Block RAM (Kbits), 2,888 Maximum Distributed RAM (Kbits), 215,360 Logic Cells, and 33,650 Slices
  • XC7A100T: 6 CMT (MMCM x1 + PLL x1), 240 DSP Slices, 100 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 285 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 4,860 Maximum Block RAM (Kbits), 1,188 Maximum Distributed RAM (Kbits), 101,440 Logic Cells, and 15,850 Slices
  • XC7A75T: 6 CMT (MMCM x1 + PLL x1), 180 DSP Slices, 100 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 250 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 3,780 Maximum Block RAM (Kbits), 892 Maximum Distributed RAM (Kbits), 75,520 Logic Cells, and 11,800 Slices
  • XC7A50T: 5 CMT (MMCM x1 + PLL x1), 120 DSP Slices, 100 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 250 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 2,700 Maximum Block RAM (Kbits), 600 Maximum Distributed RAM (Kbits), 52,160 Logic Cells, and 8,150 Slices
  • XC7A35T: 5 CMT (MMCM x1 + PLL x1), 90 DSP Slices, 100 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 250 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 1,800 Maximum Block RAM (Kbits), 400 Maximum Distributed RAM (Kbits), 33,280 Logic Cells, and 5,200 Slices

[XCM-023Z] Xilinx Artix-7 F484 FPGA board

  • XC7A200T: 10 CMT (MMCM x1 + PLL x1), 100 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 285 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 13,140 Maximum Block RAM (Kbits), 2,888 Maximum Distributed RAM (Kbits), 215,360 Logic Cells, and 33,650 Slices
  • XC7A100T: 6 CMT (MMCM x1 + PLL x1), 100 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 285 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 4,860 Maximum Block RAM (Kbits), 1,188 Maximum Distributed RAM (Kbits), 101,440 Logic Cells, and 15,850 Slices
  • XC7A75T: 6 CMT (MMCM x1 + PLL x1), 100 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 250 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 3,780 Maximum Block RAM (Kbits), 892 Maximum Distributed RAM (Kbits), 75,520 Logic Cells, and 11,800 Slices
  • XC7A50T: 5 CMT (MMCM x1 + PLL x1), 100 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 250 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 2,700 Maximum Block RAM (Kbits), 600 Maximum Distributed RAM (Kbits), 52,160 Logic Cells, and 8,150 Slices
  • XC7A35T: 5CMT (MMCM x1 + PLL x1), 100 Maximum user I/O pins (Board), 250 Maximum user I/O pins (Device), 1,800 Maximum Block RAM (Kbits), 400 Maximum Distributed RAM (Kbits), 33,280 Logic Cells, and 5,200 Slices


The Xilinx Artix-7 FPGA board is ideal for use in different application scenarios suited to the device’s functionality. However, this does not mean users will be able to use it for all situations. Users must stay informed about the capabilities of the device to ensure they do not exceed the 1,000 Mbit/s bandwidth limit, which will leave them with fewer options for expanding their computing resources.




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