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What are the Design Considerations of PCB Sensors?

There is an endless list for the different types of sensors. These include IoT devices, environmental sensors, mobile devices, and industrial equipment. In addition, this sensor market continues to grow in order to satisfy their continuous increase in demand. As of today, where almost everything we do is linked to our individual mobile devices, we usually expect something which is new products coming with some level of connectivity. Also, we expect it to interact with its environment and the users by making use of sensors.

Asides from consumer PCB, many applications that demand the use of sensors are available. In addition, new developments in manufacturing, and other industries are beginning to cause our everyday tasks to be highly data-dependent. This is the main reason why sensor networks have not become very important.

For the purpose of this article, let us learn about what PCB sensors are.

How to Choose a PCB Sensor

Selecting sensors that need to be utilized in newly created products entails more compared to just thinking about that phenomenon you wish to measure. In addition, you need to consider the environment that you’ll be deploying the product in. Furthermore, the manner at which the product is used must be considered when you are determining the types of sensors and the type needed in your device.

In addition, the functionality of the device and its design requirements should be the first places to start whenever you are considering the PCB sensor type that your device will function with. Also, different sensors have different form factors, accuracy levels, capabilities, measurement range, power requirements, and detection limit. Also, you will need to balance the important capabilities with your device’s mechanical footprint and enclosure when selecting a specific sensor which needs to be added in a design.

For instance, imagine that you are creating environmental monitors to be used in a factory, it is important that you balance the required accuracy levels and the measurement range with those requirements which aids in keeping the devices very wearable and small.

Furthermore, when you need the monitor to help detect any noxious gas, then you don’t have to check its ppb levels immediately any unsafe exposure reaches high ppm levels. In general, sensors that have lower limits of detection will come with higher costs. This becomes very necessary if your device’s manufacturing will be at high volumes.

Design Considerations for PCB Sensors

PCB sensor design is made in order to interface properly with the analog world of today. This is why collected signals usually serve as analog data. However, if this information must pass through some form of processing as well as moved into the base station or stored in a memory module, then this analog output in sensors must be changed to digital signals.

This means that you have to use standard signal designs and routing techniques. This ensures that signal integrity exists throughout the device. In addition, power integrity forms an important consideration when working with mobile devices. This includes the PCB sensors. This is due to the fact that the devices may run the batteries off.

Also, problems that are related to the power integrity like ground bounce and power bus ringing can change the operating point of the digital ICV which is in the board and then convert any corrupt data. These problems can affect the reading accuracy of the PCB sensor.

What are the Applications of PCB Sensors?


These are some PCB sensor applications

Thermal monitoring and imaging

A photodiode can be described as a simple sensor which helps in detecting infrared light. In addition, you can add the PCB sensor in all PCBs. Also, it ensures quick detection of infrared light from a point source.

Furthermore, for the weak optical signals, you can utilize avalanche photodiodes. This provides some gain, offering extra detection of infrared or visible light. With respect to thermal imaging, there is a need to use CCDs in printed circuit boards. This happens because of the combining of the photosensitive pixels that provides the important resolution for the creation of an image. This provides thermal monitoring covering a very large view.

Wireless Sensor Network

With the wireless sensor network, you will be able to monitor safety and infrastructure in factories. Also, these device networks feature a few wireless sensors and connectivity over Wi-Fi, ZigBee, Bluetooth, and other types of wireless protocols.

By this, you can pass the gathering of data and data processing, making use of small microcontrollers into the base station over all wireless protocols. With this, you can monitor all relevant information regarding the environment in real time over a broad and wide area.

Vibration Monitoring

For manufacturing industries and others, the vibrations in the different environments play a very significant role in having an effect on the manufactured product’s quality. Furthermore, they indicate mechanical issues that need immediate maintenance.

Also, these vibrations can always be detected through touch, and you cannot tell the differences between them using the ear. Monitoring the vibration over a range of frequencies is important during the monitoring of heavy equipment.

In addition, the piezoelectric sensors and transducers are also great for monitoring vibrations over a specific range of frequency. When this is deployed in a manufacturing environment, you have to design your sensor modules to meet strict mechanical demands, which contrast most consumer-grade devices.

In addition, these piezoelectric sensors are important in monitoring chemical as well as biological agents when it is driven near their frequencies. Furthermore, applying a little mechanical load into piezoelectric elements assists in the shifting of the driving amplitude as well as resonance frequencies, which can be easily detected using analog circuits for the signal processing.


Selecting PCB sensors that need to be utilized in newly created products entails more compared to just thinking about that phenomenon you wish to measure. In addition, you need to consider the environment that you’ll be deploying the product in. PCB sensors also have different applications including wireless sensor networks, vibration monitoring, as well as thermal monitoring and imaging.




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