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Guide to EMI Issues in PCB: Electromagnetic Issues

PCB designers frequently confront electromagnetic challenges, necessitating system design engineers to monitor electromagnetic interference and compatibility continuously. Regrettably, minor design issues may lead to electromagnetic complications, which are more prevalent than ever as board designs shrink and customers request higher speeds.

There are two main concerns: 

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and electromagnetic interference (EMI). EMC relates to the creation, transmission, and reception of electromagnetic energy, often caused by inadequate design. EMI, on the other hand, refers to the harmful and unwanted impacts of EMC and interference from external electromagnetic sources. Excessive EMI can cause defects or damage to the product. To mitigate the effects of EMI, PCB designers must adhere to EMC design guidelines.

EMI in circuit boards can be reduced through proper EMC design, which is fortunate.

Types of EMI Issues in PCB

EMI problem
EMI problem

You can categorize EMI into two types:

  • · Broad EMI
  • · Narrowband EMI

One can generate Narrowband EMI within a limited range of frequencies, sometimes even just one frequency. Radios, cell phones, and TV stations are familiar sources of this type of EMI, which can occur intermittently and continuously. While disruptive, narrowband EMI typically does not cause equipment damage, but broadband EMI does. Broadband EMI is more widespread and can cause harm to electronic devices. Various sources, such as a motor, Faulty fluorescent lamps, car ignition, Faulty electrical lines, and the jet engine, can cause it. Broadband EMI interferes with the intended signals of electronic devices.

EMI that occurs over a wide range of frequencies is often caused by radio frequencies, the most frequent source. Lightning, power lines, circuits, lamps, and other sources can emit energy that produces this type of interference.

When electronic devices fail to function correctly, it can indicate this type of EMI. In a household setting, it may only cause minor interference with electronics, but it can potentially cause hardware damage, data loss, and reduced productivity in industrial sectors.

Sources of EMI

Sources that can produce EMI include:

· Natural sources of EMI

Natural sources, like lightning strikes, static, cosmic noise, solar flares and dust, atmospheric electricity, and snowstorms, & the sun, can cause this kind of EMI.

If not adequately protected, this EMI suddenly impacts electrical devices, including military equipment and transportation systems. Weaker forms of EMI, like that created by snowstorms, can Interrupt phone signals.

· Residential EMI

Wireless devices and electronic appliances are also familiar sources of this EMI. Although this kind of EMI typically does not cause permanent loss, it can still disrupt and impair the functioning of other electronic devices.

Wi-Fi devices, laptops, cell phones, microwaves, Bluetooth devices, baby monitors, toaster ovens, and many other electronic devices can cause residential EMI. As we add Extra electronic Gadgets to our homes, we increase the number of potential EMI sources.

The electronic’s quality can also affect artificial EMI. Electronics with higher performance levels and operating frequencies may have a greater risk of producing EMI.

· Industrial

This form of EMI is generated on a larger scale or can result in significant interference. Sources of this kind of EMI are diverse. They can include electric motors and generators, telephone and cellular networks, satellite transmissions, radio and television, railroads, power grids, medical equipment, and many others.

The Significance of EMI Shielding in PCB Industry

It is crucial for safeguarding sensitive electronic layouts from interference and preventing More powerful signals from disrupting nearby electronics. A printed circuit board design checklist can assist in remembering which components require protection and how to do so effectively.

EMI can impact sensitive electronics across various sectors, ranging from personal to industrial electronics, as well as emergency systems and critical military. Therefore, it is vital to take every possible measure to shield electrical systems against EMI.

What are EMI Issues in PCB, Shielding and How Does it Work? 


EMI shielding involves covering circuits with shields that safeguard them from radiation & electromagnetic signals absorption that could cause EMI.

EMI shields attenuate the interference and generate a current flow in the shield’s metal. It is then directed toward the ground reference plane.

EMI Shielding in PCBs 

Shielding in Printed circuit boards is employed in various applications such as medical, military, and communication. It is frequently implemented in the steps most susceptible to EMI, including the output, input, and amplifier.

To prevent typical circuit board issues, it is essential to shield them with some metal shields, which can safeguard them from radiation and EMI absorption. The circuit and components are isolatable from other boards to achieve this.

EMI Issues In PCB: Design Principles 

To reduce EMI, PCB designers must adhere to electromagnetic compatibility layout principles. The primary reasons for EMC issues typically stem from design defects that lead to interference between traces, PCB coils, vias, circuits, and other components. Incorporating these crucial design fundamentals can aid in preventing and addressing electromagnetic issues in the PCB design.

1. Ground Plane

Creating a ground plane for a PCB is an essential and crucial step in minimizing electromagnetic interference (EMI). The ground plane is the primary protection against EMI because all circuits need a ground to function correctly. To reduce EMI, there are several recommended effective practices for designing the environment, such as:

  • Maximize ground area: To minimize emissions, noise, and cross-talk, it is recommended to maximize the ground space in the Printed circuit board by increasing it as much as possible. It allows signals to disperse more simply, resulting in better performance. If the ground plane is insufficient, one possible solution is to add an extra layer or generate a multi-layer Printed circuit board. It offers more flexibility in handling high-frequency traces.
  • Use solid planes: Solid ground planes are highly recommended, particularly for a multi-layer printed circuit board. The Copper-thieving or etched ground planes tend to have higher resistance levels, whereas unbroken ground planes offer lower impedance levels.
  • Connect each component: It is advisable to connect every element to the ground plane and point to ensure the ground reference plane is a buffering agent for a circuit board design. Floating components are unable to utilize the benefits of the ground plane fully.
  • Split planes: Complex PCB designs frequently require multiple regulated voltages, each requiring its ground plane. However, incorporating many ground reference planes can raise fabrication costs. To address this issue, split planes can be useful. It allows multiple ground parts to be creatable on a single layer. Designers should use partitioned planes judiciously, though, and only when necessary. When implementing split planes, it is crucial to connect them at a single point to avoid creating loops. It which can result in the antenna that emits EMI.
  • Connect bypass: When bypass and decoupling capacitors are part of the design, it is vital to join them to a ground plane. Doing so helps to reduce the loop size, lessening the ground current.
  • Signal length: Trace length is a critical factor as the time taken by a signal to travel to or from its source needs to be consistent. Otherwise, it causes EMI radiation. To minimize this, we recommended keeping trace(routing) lengths short and ensuring that they are roughly the same in size.

2. Trace Layout

PCB Design Guidelines For EMI EMC

Traces are crucial in board design as they propagate the current correctly. However, If the paths are not ordered following top EMC layout rules, numerous issues can arise.

Traces are conductive pathways that carry flowing electrons when the circuit is active. Consequently, a single mistake in their design can transform them into radiating antennas. Even something as simple as a bend or a cross in a trace can lead to Printed circuit board electromagnetic interference.

Here are some recommended rules for route layout in printed circuit board design:

  • Avoid right angles: It is advisable to avoid angles between 45 and 90 degrees for traces, vias, or additional parts in Printed circuit board design. Capacitance tends to increase as paths exceed 45-degree angles. It causes a change in characteristic impedance and subsequent reflection. Reflection can lead to EMI. To prevent this, traces that have to take a turn around a corner should be rounded or routed through 2 or more turns at an angle of 45 degrees or less.
  • Keep signals separate: To prevent interference, we recommend maintaining fast-moving signal paths away from slow-moving ones. Also, keep analog signals away from digital signals. The proximity between these signals can cause interference.
  • Shorten return paths: To minimize interference, it is crucial to keep the way of the current returning shortly and trace them along the traces of minimum resistance. We recommend that the return paths be roughly the same length as the transmit traces and even shorter.
  • Mind spacing: When Dual high-speed signals run parallel to each other, they can create electromagnetic interference (EMI) through a phenomenon known as cross-talk. So here, one of the traces is referred to as the “aggressor,” while the other is a “victim.” Additionally, the aggressor trace affects the victim trace by inducing and coupling capacitance and inductance, generating both backward and forward currents in the victim trace.

To reduce cross-talk, it is recommended to maintain a minimum distance between traces. Typically, the separation should be at least twice the width of the path. For instance, if the path is 5 mils wide, ensure The least distance of 10 mils or more among 2 parallel traces.

  • Use vias carefully: PCB designers use vias to take benefits of different layers in their boards when tracing. However, vias should be useful cautiously as they put in their capacitance and inductance effects. It can cause bouncing back of signals because of signal strength alterations. Vias make the trace longer, which must be balanced. Differential traces should not be routed through Vias if possible. If unavoidable, use vias in both conductive paths to regulate the delay.

3. Component Arrangement

Proper arrangement of electronic components is crucial to prevent EMI issues in an electronic circuit. While designing a Printed circuit board, it is vital to consider the EMI impact of each part. Some of the effective practices for element layout in Printed circuit board design are as follows:

  • Separate analog & digital parts: To prevent cross-talk and other issues, it is essential to keep digital and analog circuits or components separate in PCB design, similar to trace separation. Placing them in close adjacency can cause interference. To avoid this, designers can use multiple layers, shielding, and Individual grounds to keep digital and analog signals apart. We often recommend keeping them on utterly separate ground planes.
  • Separate analog & high-speed pieces:  Analog circuits typically carry high electric current. It can cause issues for high-frequency traces or switching signals. It’s essential to keep these circuits separate from each other and use ground signals to shield analog circuits. On Multi-layered PCBs, we recommend route analog traces to create a ground reference plane between an analog circuit board and the high-frequency signals.
  • High-speed components: The smaller and faster the electronic component, the higher the chance it will produce a considerable amount of EMI. To counteract this, we recommend implementing shielding or filtering techniques. Additionally, it’s essential to Divide these elements from other elements in the board design. Another strategy is to have as high-frequency signals & clocks as possible adjacent to a ground plane, which helps to minimize cross-talk, radiation levels, and noise, keeping them within acceptable limits. 

4. EMI Shielding

Regardless of the design rules you adhere to, specific components will inevitably generate electromagnetic interference (EMI), tiny and high-speed Units. However, the effects of this EMI are reducable by shielding and filtering. There are various shielding and filtering techniques available, some of which are:

  • Component and board shielding: Metallic packages known as physical protection one can use to enclose all or a portion of a circuit board. Their primary purpose is to prevent electromagnetic interference (EMI) from infiltrating The board’s electrical connections, and the methods used to achieve this goal differ depending on the source of the EMI. When EMI arises from the system, element/component shields can encapsulate a particular component that generates EMI.

This ground connection reduces the size of the antenna loop and absorbs the EMI. To safeguard against external EMI sources, other types of shields can cover the entire circuit board. A Faraday Cage is an example of a thick protective enclosure that obstructs RF waves. Typically it has metal and conductive foam, these shields are useful for this purpose.

  • Low-pass filtering: In some instances, a printed circuit board can incorporate high-cut filters to eradicate high-speed noise that emanates from elements. These filters stifle the noise from 3 parts, permitting the electric current to flow unobstructed On the way back.
  • Cable shielding: EMI issues are most prominent in cables that transport both analog & digital currents. These cables generate parasitic capacitance & inductance, particularly for high-speed signals. However, insulating these cables and grounding them at both ends can eliminate EMI interference.


Electronics can experience significant malfunctions due to EMI. Hence, when creating a printed circuit board, it is essential to carefully consider which shielding method is most suitable to guarantee the system’s optimal performance.




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