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How Arduino Python Projects are Impacting Electronic Circuit Design

The utilization of microcontrollers keeps increasing. These components have been around and their use range from common household appliances to complex machines. Electrical engineers and technicians are familiar with these components.

The advent of Arduino has made it easy for developers to gain more access to electronic application design. Our focus here is on Arduino Python projects.

What is Arduino Platform?

Arduino comprises hardware and software that enables the development of interactive electronics projects. The emergence of this open-source platform got the attention of many professionals across several fields, thereby contributing to the Maker Movement.

Arduino is now one of the primary platforms for MVPs development and electronic prototyping with the growing popularity of the concept of IoT and Maker Movement. Also, the Arduino platform features its own programming language. This language is quite similar to C++. However, Arduino can be used with high-level programming language like Python.

Using Arduino with Python

In fact, Arduino as an open source platform functions very well with Python, particularly for applications need to be integrated with sensors. The combination of Arduino and Python offers an effective learning environment which helps developers to achieve great electronics design.  Python is a high-level programming language designed for applications like data analysis, scientific computing, web development and more.

This programming language is simple, readable and very flexible. Due to its features, Python gained popularity among experienced programmers and beginners. The integration of Python with Arduino enables engineers and developers to optimize the easy-to-use and powerful libraries offered by the Python ecosystem.

Another benefit of integrating Python with Arduino is that it enables developers to prototype and test their ideas easily. With this, you don’t need to compile and upload code to the Arduino every time there is a change. Python features an active community of developers and users. Therefore, there is a wide range of resources and documentations. You can as well get support online.

If you are quite familiar with basics of Python, then you can use Python to control Arduino. The Arduino platform comprises software and hardware products. Here, we will integrate Arduino hardware and Python software to learn about basic circuits.

Arduino Hardware

Users need to hook up electronic components to assemble the circuits. You will need the following components

  • A breadboard
  • A push button
  • An Arduino Uno
  • A 470 Ohm resistor
  • Different sizes and colors of jumper wires
  • A standard LED
  • A 10 KOhm potentiometer

Arduino as a project comprises several modules and boards for various purposes. The Arduino Uno is the most commonly used board in the Arduino family. Furthermore, the 470 Ohm resistor and 10 KOhm resistor are crucial. You will identify resistors by their colored stripes.

The breadboard in the list above is crucial for assembling the circuits. You need to get a breadboard when working with Arduino.

Arduino Software


Some software applications need to be installed. Arduino was specially designed to enable the programming of boards. Connect the board to your computer, install Arduino IDE, configure the settings of the board, write code, and press a button on the Integrated Development Environment (IDE).

You need to download the right version for your OS in order to install the IDE on your computer. Follow these instructions for installation:

  • If your device is macOs, you can check the Arduino install guide for OSX to learn how to install Arduino IDE.
  • If your device is Linux, you will need to include your user to groups. This will help you to integrate the serial port for programming Arduino.
  • If your device is Windows, download the important drivers by using the Windows installer. To get more information, you can follow the guidelines in the Arduino Documentation.

How to Use Arduino with Python

Arduino makes use of a programming language that is quite similar to C++. You can take some approaches to Integrate Arduino with Python. A great idea to use is to run the main program on your personal computer and make use of the serial connection to interact with Arduino via the USB cable.

You need to design a protocol to enable interaction between Arduino and PC. For instance, consider a protocol that has messages like SET PIN 11 Low or VALUE OF PIN 13 is HIGH. The SET PIN 11 LOW instructs Arduino to set the output pins’ states. Also, the VALUE OF PIN 13 IS HIGH informs the personal computer about the digital input pins’ status.

You can design an Arduino sketch to send some messages to the personal computer with a defined protocol. Also, you can update the pins’ states. You could write a program on the PC to control the Arduino via a serial connection. This will be done according to the protocol you’ve designed.  You can integrate any language and libraries of your choice, this includes the PySerial library and Python.

Well, you can do all of this with standard protocols. One of such protocols is Firmata. With this protocol, you can create a serial communication format with which you can read analog and digital inputs. Also, you can send data to analog and digital outputs.

The Arduino Integrated development environment (IDE) features existing sketches that will helps Arduino via Python. On your personal computer, the adoption of the protocol is in several languages, this includes Python.

How to Upload the Firmata Sketch

It is important you upload a Firmata sketch before writing Python to drive Arduino. This will help you have a control over the board. You can find the sketch in the built-in example of Arduino IDE. Go to the “File menu”, click “Examples”, and choose “Firmata”, and then click on “StandardFirmata.”

The sketch will be available in a new IDE window. You can upload the sketch by following these steps:

  • Plug the USB cable
  • Choose the right port and board on the IDE
  • Click on Upload

After you have completed the upload, you will realize there is no activity on the Arduino. A program that can interact with the board via the serial connection will help you have control over the upload. Also, the pyFirmata package if you will be working with the Firmata protocol.

Asides from Arduino and Firmata, there are several ways you can use Python in microcontrollers. These includes MicroPython, SBCs, and pySerial.

How to Use a Sensor to Create a Notification

One way to effectively use Arduino with Python is Firmata. However, it can be costly to get a PC to run the application. In some cases, this approach may seem impractical. Arduino and Firmata are perfect for collecting and sending data to a PC with external sensors.

Here, you will need a push button linked to your Arduino. This will work like a digital sensor and cause a notification to appear. The push button can function as a door sensor that causes an alarm notification. For instance, you will use Tkinter to showcase the notification on your personal computer. A message box will appear when you press the button.

Step by Step Guide on How to Program Arduino with Python

Install Python IDLE

You will need to visit the Python website to download Python IDLE. If you have it already installed, you can skip this step.

Install PySerial

PySerial reads and writes serial data to Arduino. It is a Python API module. You will need to download PySerial and install on your PC.

Python Code

The python code is very important since you will be needing a simple program to enable Python send data to the serial port.

Arduino code

To enable Arduino to connect with Python, you need to know which COM port the Arduino is on. The Arduino programming environment carries out this task.

Some Arduino Python Projects

There are some projects you can carry out on Arduino with Python. Some of the Arduino Python projects are mentioned below

Face tracking

This is one of the most impressive Arduino Python projects. Here, you will learn how to use your face to control a pan-tilt servo mechanism. You will make use of OpenCV to enable facial recognition and then Python will be able to send position data to Arduino. Serial connects the Arduino and  maps the location data to have control over the pan-tilt servos. This Arduino Python project will surely impress you.

Control Arduino with Python

This particular project makes Arduino a Serial device. You will make use of Python script to write on the Arduino instead of integrating the Serial monitor to transmit a bit of data. Arduino will switch on and off the LED. This is a great starting point for advanced and complex Python projects for controlling Arduino hardware.


The combination of Arduino and Python offers an effective learning environment which helps developers to achieve great electronics design.  If you are quite familiar with basics of Python, then you can use Python to control Arduino.  Arduino platform comprises software and hardware products. The integration of Python with Arduino enables engineers and developers to optimize the easy-to-use and powerful libraries offered by the Python ecosystem.




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