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Why You Should Choose the Isola IS680 PCB Material

It is clear that the printed circuit board industry continues to advance. Therefore, there’s a need for PCB materials to have or possess a high performance. Note that not all PCB materials out there can serve digital applications requiring high speed. Several PCB materials help in ensuring PCB fabrication. But, not all of them ensure functionality and reliability.

However, Isola has done a great job to design the Isola IS680 PCB Material so as to meet different application’s requirements. Furthermore, the Isola IS680 PCB material features some great properties.

In this article, we will be looking at one of the best-quality PCB materials for your PCB fabrication. Please sit tight and get ready to gain much knowledge regarding the Isola IS680 PCB Material

What is the Isola IS680 PCB Material?

The Isola IS680 PCB Material exhibits excellent electrical properties. These properties usually remain stable over a specific temperature and frequency range.

This material is very suitable for most microwave/commercial RF designs of printed circuit boards of today. Furthermore, the Isola IS680 PCB Material has a stable dielectric constant within the temperatures of -55 degrees Celsius and +125 degrees Celsius to the W-band frequencies.

Asides from this, the Isola IS680 PCB Material features an extremely low Df (dissipation factor). This is one reason why it is a cost-effective option to the PTFE, as well as other microwave PCB materials used commercially in double-sided applications.

Applications of the Isola IS680 PCB Material

The following are the applications of the Isola IS680 PCB Material

Aerospace and Defense

PCB materials used in the aerospace and defense field are very important because this field requires strong and reliable materials that can pass the test of time.

This is because the aerospace and defense equipment are useful in creating protective measures that are designed to either nullify or destroy the enemy’s missiles and aircraft.

It also helps in the manufacturing of equipment that helps in negating space systems that are hostile The Isola IS680 PCB Material surely fits this role because it is highly reliable.

Radio Frequency and Microwave

The Isola IS680 PCB Material is also applicable in the radio frequency and microwave department. This is because this material can operate on high frequency signals. These include the megahertz and gigahertz ranges of frequency; from medium-range to a frequency that is very high. This is why the Isola IS680 PCB Material is useful in communication signals. This includes military radars, smartphones, and more.

Properties of Isola IS680 PCB Material

The following are the properties of Isola IS680 PCB Material:

Thermal properties

The glass transition temperature of Isola IS680 PCB Material is 200 degrees Celsius by DSC. This value is very high. Therefore, the Isola IS680 PCB Material offers great thermal performance.

The CTE on the Z axis is 44.7 ppm/ºC before glass transition temperature. After Tg, the Z-axis CTE is 191 ppm/ºC.  Furthermore, at total expansion (between 50 and 260 degrees Celsius is 2.9%. Also, the CTE value at the X and Y axis before Tg is 12 ppm/ºC.

Also, the Isola IS680 PCB Material has a thermal conductivity of 0.38 – 0.53 W/m/K. Furthermore, the Isola IS680 PCB Material features a moisture absorption rate of 0.10%. This means that the material has a low water absorption rate.

Electrical properties

At 10 GHz, the Dk is 2.80 to 3.45. This is a stable and low value. The dissipation factor (Df) of the Isola IS680 PCB Material is 0.0025-0.0035 at 10 GHz. Also, the Isola IS680 PCB Material features a low and stable (Df). The electric strength is 45 (1133) KV/mm (V/mil).

Mechanical properties

The peel strength of the Isola IS680 PCB Material is 0.70 (4.01) N/mm. The flexural strength is 37.5 ksi in lengthwise direction. Furthermore, in the cross direction, this material has a flexural strength of 28.5 ksi. The tensile strength is 28.0 ksi at length direction, while at the cross direction, the tensile strength is 26 ksi.

What are the Benefits of the Isola IS680 PCB Material?

As we have discussed above, it is clear that the Isola IS680 PCB Material has lots of great benefits.

Low dissipation factor

This value indicates the performance of a material in different environments and applications. Also, this indicates the ability of a material to serve as an insulator or hold energy. The Isola IS680 PCB Material has a low dissipation factor. Therefore, you can rely on it as a very efficient insulator system.

Extremely low-loss PCB material

To know the effectiveness and quality of a pcb material, it is in its ability to have low di-electric loss. This is why the Isola IS680 PCB Material is a very effective and a top quality material because it will hardly lose its unique properties.

Low water absorption rate

Furthermore, the Isola IS680 PCB Material features a moisture absorption rate of 0.10%. This means that the material has a low water absorption rate. What this means for this material is that it is strong enough to fight against moisture absorption, which will affect the quality and usability of the material.

Stable dielectric constant

A material’s dielectric constant refers to the material’s permittivity. This is the measure of the material’s ability to concentrate the flux’ electrostatic lines. Practically, this means the material’s ability to store any electrical energy whenever there is an electric field. The dielectric constant of the Isola IS680 PCB Material is stable. This means that this material will always store electrical energy.

Use in Different applications

The Isola IS680 PCB Material is highly beneficial due to its use in different applications. We have already seen its significance in applications like aerospace and defense as well as in the microwave and radio frequency.


We hope we have been able to enlighten you on what the Isola IS680 PCB Material is all about. The Isola IS680 PCB Material exhibits excellent electrical properties. These properties usually remain stable over a specific temperature and frequency range. If you want professional services for your Isola IS680 PCB Material, please contact us at RayMing PCB. You’ll get the very best and more!




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