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What are the Different IoT Projects Using Arduino?

Internet of Things is made up of countless physical objects that are linked to the web and can communicate with one another and upload data without human intervention.

From the 8-bit microcontrollers through to the 32-bit microcontrollers, and some even having bluetooth and WiFi capabilities, Arduino supplies a variety of development circuit boards. This, together with the beginner-friendly projects it offers online, makes Arduino the perfect platform for starting your first Internet of Things projects!

IOT Projects Using Arduino

Below are some IOT Projects Using Arduino. Please let us consider them.

Monitoring pollution levels using an IoT-based dashboard and sensor for pollution detection

You reside in a metropolis where it is becoming increasingly harder to breathe? Or perhaps you were just wondering how much pollution you deal with on a daily basis.

For any application, all you’d need is an Arduino board as well as some creativity because just two things would enable you to build a pollution meter. You wouldn’t need a lot of equipment, and you wouldn’t be spending a lot of money. But, you may have a significant impact on how much money you could ultimately create with such modest sum of cash.

Geiger Counter

The sci-fi enthusiast in you will enjoy this project. Let’s say you enjoy watching movies in which the heroes explore the unknown while holding the clicking machine. The Geiger counter is the name of that device.

Lovers of Chernobyl (the series, not the event) should be very familiar with this counter. With the Arduino board, users can build one for themselves. You’ll discover that building such a device is not particularly challenging.

Communicator for Plants

It might be difficult to keep the plants alive because of the many factors at play. By assisting you in keeping track of the moisture, light, and temperature of the plant, this project relieves some of your workload.

In order for you to keep a close eye for warning indications, it also provides you a email having the data and graphs. By using the tutorial on Arduino Project that is mentioned above, you can make your personal plant communicator.

Smart garbage system

A dustbin is probably the last thing on your list when attempting to make different equipment smart. But, you can create a single trash can that will notify you whenever it is full and when it is appropriate that you carry the trash outside. Not all of it, though.

To lift the dustbin’s lid, you wouldn’t have to make use of your legs or hands. The Arduino can be readily programmed to respond when it senses a specific motion range. Let’s imagine you wanted the dustbin lid to lift in response to a very loud clap and when you stamp your foot anyplace near the trash can.

One such dustbin could be produced with the aid of code. Yet without the assistance of Arduino Uno, a completely unique breed of Arduino board, this project wouldn’t have been finished. This project wouldn’t be the simplest thing you have ever made because you’d be employing such a complicated array of tools as well as moving parts.

Any project that can measure the range and spirit level

If you choose to complete this project, then you would be accomplishing two goals at once. You would require the capability of a specific ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04), which would allow you to estimate distances between 0 and 4 meters.

The sensor could potentially be used to measure the spirit level. By no means is the creation of such a project simple, so keep that in mind when you go about making it for yourself. Most likely, you would have to create your own perplex casing. Nevertheless, in order to shine such as a diamond, one would need to burn just like one, which means you would need to go through difficult times in order to see the project.

You can take a break there because the coding isn’t too difficult, and if you’re searching for a specific project that will show you the variety of uses which Arduino has, then you have to take on this one.

Home automation (Bluetooth-based)

embedded iot

With Arduino Uno, this straightforward system for home automation was created! In order to be controlled by a smartphone, the Bluetooth module for Low Energy is attached to the relay module as well as light bulb. The system’s creator mentions that other devices could be integrated into it.

Simply connect the Arduino Uno to VCC, RX, TX, and GND which are the four pins of a Bluetooth module to make it function. Since this Bluetooth module inside this project has a built-in voltage regulator, you may connect it directly to the Arduino’s 5V supply.

Lastly, connect the RX and TX pins to TX and RX on Arduino, respectively, before building the voltage divider system with 20k and 10k resistors. This is so since we must lower the volt from 5V down to 3.3V.

Plant Watering System for Home

Because it has two independent, separate channels, each of which may be disabled, this watering system for plants can support two different plants. Users can choose how long a plant needs to be watered, water it manually, can also monitor humidity, detect light levels, and turn off the irrigation system at night.

Moreover, there is also a menu that enables users to change setup options that are stored in electrically EEPROM, which is an electrically programmable erasable read only memory. By adhering to the steps in the tutorial for the Arduino Project, you may create your own at-home plant watering systems.

Why the Arduino IoT Cloud would be the best choice for IoT-projects based on IoT?


The smart system built on Arduino boards, which is the Arduino IoT cloud gives us all the functionality a specific IoT project needs. It enables users to more effectively integrate hardware with online servers. The following are some key advantages that Arduino has in the world of IoT.

Multiple Connectivity

Connectivity is indeed the foundation of any IoT project. Bluetooth, Wi-Fi, and Ethernet forms of connectivity are what we mean when we talk about connectivity.

IoT-related projects can use a variety of Arduino boards. These boards already have Bluetooth and Wi-fi modules installed, which make it simple to analyze video as well as audio data.

There are numerous Arduino shields that may be used with the Arduino boards to include external communication devices. By removing extra wires, Arduino shields help projects run more efficiently. In general, IoT projects are less expensive to maintain since shields are simple to replace.


Another crucial aspect to take into account during Arduino programming as an Internet of Things device is memory storage. Thousands of code lines can fit in the memory of the microcontroller-based device. Approximately 32KB of the SRAM is available in new Arduino IoT-based families such as MKR, which is adequate for different IoT applications.

Arduino can be described as the greatest solution for small-scale IoT projects, but it is not appropriate for different multilevel projects which use data from several different devices to create a network.

Power Source

Power backup seems to be the biggest challenge to keeping the entire network operational through the day when running IoT devices. Regarding power intake, Arduino offers a broad flexibility range. The three most common ways to power the Arduino boards are through USB port, Vin Pin, and DC jack, and Vin pin.

The suggested voltage range for Arduino is 7–12V. The IoT network could be powered by the power bank via the USB connection of an Arduino, which helps to keep it online constantly.

Easy Interface

The simple interface of Arduino makes it easy to create projects. Simple methods make it easy to control analog sensors, motors, as well as other components. The Arduino microcontroller board is far better than other board types in performing repetitive tasks. Programming

The Arduino development platform, termed as IDE, can be used to program Arduino boards. One can program the Arduino boards for “n” times using the IDE. C++ is used by the cross-platform program IDE to program Arduino boards. A project can be built faster overall thanks to the abundance of different free libraries offered by the IDE. You can control the hardware without having to create their code right from scratch by using libraries.


For any application, all you’d need is an Arduino board as well as some creativity. Internet of Things is made up of countless physical objects that are linked to the web and can communicate with one another and upload data without human intervention. If someone needs to begin with different IoT projects and is searching for affordable IoT boards capable of performing repetitive tasks without requiring constant updates, then Arduino is really the perfect platform to begin your next IoT venture. Arduino features a simple-to-use as well as build hardware which could make different IoT projects to run in a few days and otherwise a week.




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