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Additive Manufacturing Vs. Traditional PCB Design and Layout

Traditional PCB Manufacturing Methods

Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are helpful in various electronic products. They consist of electric conductors, insulating layers, and solder masks. They are used to create electronic circuits and eliminate the need for connecting wires and breadboards. PCBs are also used to reduce the size of a device.

PCBs consist of copper and fiberglass. These materials are stable, water-resistant, and have good optical properties. However, other materials are used from time to time.

We design PCBs using CAD software. This allows designers to visualize a computer aided design on a 3D board and to use different substances. In addition, some PCB manufacturers are now using 3D printers to create customized PCBs.

The first step in manufacturing a PCB is to design a PCB board. This involves designing the board‘s layout, drawing sketches, and 3D printing schematics. Then, using PCB design software, designers can layout the electronics and run simulations. Finally, we encode the design in a Gerber file, which then incorporates into the PCB’s schematic.


Whether designing a PCB for manufacturing or simply for design and layout purposes, you will likely have heard of both additive manufacturing and traditional PCB manufacturing methods. The main difference between these processes is how we make the board. Whether by additive manufacturing or traditional manufacturing techniques, the finished board is a thin layer of conductive metal or plastic layered over substrate materials. In electronics manufacturing, they produce the entire board by creating the material by mixing and extruding liquids into the air. In traditional PCB design and layout, the material is added to the electronics by laying down layers of copper or other metals one at a time. This additive process is called plating.

PCB plating process

Plating the PCB is a process that protects the copper from corrosion. It also forms a conductive carbon layer that enhances the surface finish of the PCB. There are several different plating processes available. Understanding the various options available can help you make an informed decision about your PCB.

The PCB market has evolved to include electrical components plated with copper, form factor, gold, and nickel. In addition, the market also includes electrical components plated with tin.

There are several different PCB plating processes, including semi-additive, additive, and subtractive. The PCB plating process is an essential step of electronics fabrication, and fabricators must ensure the process is reliable.

Additive processes use less material and generate less waste. Typical PCB plating thickness values range from 10 micro-inches to 100 micro-inches. In addition, some processes allow you to test every layer during the fabrication process.

Inkjet printing vs. laser cutting machines

Compared to laser cutting machines, 3D printing offers a few advantages. It is faster, more efficient, and less expensive. It also provides a safer alternative to laser marking. In addition, it can produce a higher-quality stencil that can be helpful for various additive processes.

PCB manufacturing is a competitive industry. As a result, manufacturers are seeking to reduce costs and increase productivity. We can achieve this by reducing the number of steps in the manufacturing process. The PCB industry is also moving toward automation and producing more efficient products.

One technology that may help improve this is additive manufacturing. This additive process can create a new part layer by layer, similar to how a 3D printer would produce a piece of plastic. The process can create intricate designs and objects. It is ideal for creating 3D printing objects from metals and other substances.

PCB design for manufacturing

Unlike the old method of building a PCB, the additive manufacturing method allows for a wider variety of substances. This means more opportunities for manufacturers to experiment with new designs. There are more advanced materials for commercial 3D printers than just a few years ago.

For PCB designers, this means the freedom to build complex interconnect architectures. This also allows for a greater variety of finer traces and layers. The process is also cost-effective. This method also allows for a more complex PCB with less components.

The process is also a green one. Additive manufacturing uses CAD software and 3D object scanners. This new technology deposits material in precise geometric shapes.

The process can reduce tooling time, material waste, and industrial production costs. This is particularly important in the electronics industry, where there is a growing demand for multilayer PCBs.

Micro PCBs

Unlike traditional PCB design and layout, micro PCBs rely on the proper use of technology to ensure excellent functionality.

For starters, a micro PCB is usually two layers deep. This allows for closer component placement. However, it also adds several challenges to the manufacture of these boards.

One key challenge in designing and producing these boards is the smaller pitch. This means that the pin centers of SMDs will be closer together. This will decrease the overall pitch and reduce the package size. In addition, this will increase the overall reliability of the board.

The PCB also requires a backplane, a supporting plane that will help insulate the electronics. For this, we use a fiberglass substrate. This helps prevent breakage and provides core strength to the PCB.

How Does Additive PCB Manufacturing Work?


Depending on your PCB manufacturing method, you can get your PCB printed in various ways. This includes using Inkjet, Powder bed fusion, and SLS.

Inkjet style printing

Currently, this printing is an effective method for producing functional substances. Its versatility allows for fabrication a wide variety of products, from electrical devices to sensors to mechanical products. It is also compatible with conductive and dielectric inks.

3D printing is a non-contact deposition process that we can apply to many substances and substrates. It produces features down to 20 microns in high resolution. 3D printing is also an effective technology for fabrication solution-based functional substances. In addition to its versatility, it is also unique in its ability to produce fully functional products.

High-speed extrusion printers

Having a high-speed extrusion printer is essential for PCB additive manufacturing. These printers can print parts five to 15 times faster than the competition. In addition, having a direct drive extruder gives the user better control of the filament path. This provides better print quality.

Adding a liquid-cooled stepper motor to a commercial printer may also be beneficial. This type of printer can print at speeds up to 1 m/s. In addition, this type of mechanism decreases the risk of unsynchronization.

In addition to a direct drive extruder, the printer used a belt drive mechanism for the lead screws. This ensured a consistent operation. The printer also uses a liquid-cooled direct drive extruder for higher-quality prints.


During the last ten years, PCB prototyping has shifted from clay models to additive and subtractive manufacturing technologies. As a result, we can now produce PCB prototypes in a fraction of the time it would take to produce one through conventional methods.

In addition to being more efficient than conventional fabrication, PCB prototypes can also accelerate the development cycle for new products. A 3D-printed board model can help the PCB layout process and show how the parts connect. It can also limit the number of changes to the electronics.

One major drawback of FDM printed components is high surface roughness. This is due to the stair-stepping effect of the 3D printer.

Powder bed fusion

Unlike conventional 3D printing, powder bed fusion is an additive PCB manufacturing process that uses heat to fuse powdered material into a solid part. As a result, powder bed fusion has emerged as a viable method for mass fabrication polymers.

The process can create parts from metals, plastic, and other electronics. In addition, the parts can be helpful for prototyping and large scale production. In the commercial realm, powder bed fusion has been essential to creating parts for aerospace, defense, and other industries.

Powder bed fusion is a relatively expensive process. However, its advantages include the ability to produce parts that can be mass-produced and the ability to print parts that can be helpful in prototyping. These advantages make powder bed fusion a viable additive PCB manufacturing method for manufacturers.

There are several different powder bed fusion processes. Each process follows a similar set of steps to produce a final part. However, the processes also depend on a variety of variables. These variables can affect the overall quality of the part.


Unlike other 3D printing methods, SLS (Self-Limiting System) uses a precise laser to melt the powder into a single layer. This allows for the industrial production of complex parts without the constraints of traditional subtractive fabrication methods.

SLS is widely helpful in the aerospace, medical, and rapid prototyping industries. However, the lack of widespread availability of SLS printers remains a challenge.

Aside from the low cost, SLS is also considered a fast technique. This is because we can produce parts at low volumes without the constraints of traditional subtractive manufacturing methods. It is also ideal for self-supporting prototypes. However, SLS can also produce parts prone to inaccuracies and deformation.

Advantages of PCB Additive Manufacturing process

Solderable Breadboard

Using an additive manufacturing process for in-house PCB fabrication can help companies take control of quality and costs. It also frees engineers from the constraints of traditional manufacturing processes. In addition, the process allows companies to create more complex electronic devices, such as hybrid electronics and circuits for robotics.


One of the main benefits of using an additive manufacturing process for in-house PCB fabrication is reduced material consumption. The process uses various substances to melt the material, including lasers, print heads, and beams. The result is a product up to fifteen times thinner than traditional techniques. This reduces waste and overall industrial production costs.

In addition, additive PCB manufacturing can also be helpful for rapid prototyping. It is ideal for creating various parts, from rigid-flex electronic components to custom interior features. This technique allows engineers to prototype mechanical assemblies rapidly. It is also a great way to experiment with updated designs.


With a variety of substances available, the additive process is cost-competitive. While specialized components may cost more, they are usually less expensive than other methods. It is also a great way to reduce inventory waste. It allows companies to produce small batch orders and switch between products as needed.

Companies can take advantage of several other benefits with a full-scale in-house PCB fabrication system. This is especially important for complex devices. The process is also eco-friendly, not using toxic solvents or chemicals. It also produces fewer unsold products.


Another advantage of using an additive manufacturing process for in-house PCB fabrication is the speed. The process takes about three hours to complete a shape. This is faster than the traditional PCB manufacturing process, which can take up to an hour to produce a shape.

The process also eliminates the need for tooling. Tooling increases industrial production costs and delays the time it takes to produce a product. Additionally, tooling can cause various problems, such as operator exposure to toxic substances. Also, tooling can cause the creation of more components than necessary. These issues can lead to costly setups and inventory waste.

Security and cycle time

Other advantages of using an additive manufacturing process for in-house printed circuit board fabrication include security and cycle time. In addition, manufacturers can take greater control over product quality and intellectual property protection. This is especially beneficial for companies that operate in highly regulated industries. In addition, electronics fabrication allows companies to produce parts that are difficult to find. Bringing these manufacturing capabilities in-house can accelerate the R&D process.


Finally, using an additive PCB manufacturing process for in-house fabrication frees companies from traditional manufacturing processes’ cost and time constraints. The process is also environmentally friendly and pollution-free. It also allows companies to use only the substances needed for a consistent finish. This helps eliminate waste and redundant steps.

As additive manufacturing technology continues to develop, it will change how we produce products. It will also create a wider array of fabrication options for manufacturers. In the future, it may even allow circuits to integrate into . This could revolutionize life-saving devices such as pre-surgical tools.

Application of Additive Manufacturing

Originally used in the aerospace industry, Additive PCB Manufacturing has expanded to various end markets. Its applications range from producing small parts for less volume applications to creating sophisticated products with advanced features.

Additive manufacturing uses nano dimension digital data to create a physical device. The process is helpful for rapid prototyping and fabricating complex non planar geometry
. CAD software can help describe the physical object, and a special 3D printer helps to create the part.

The ability to produce parts in small, low-volume quantities is a key benefit of additive manufacturing. It also reduces cost and the amount of material used in assembly. These benefits are especially beneficial in the mobility industry.

Additive Manufacturing is also more sustainable. It uses components that are more flexible and strong. As a result, it reduces the amount of material used in electronics manufacturing and decreases the amount of waste created during the fabrication process. These substances include metals, polymers, and filaments.

Additive manufacturing also enables designers to create complex geometries. The ability to manufacture complex assemblies makes additive PCB manufacturing a powerful tool for the automotive industry. The automotive industry can use this technology to manufacture PCBs with improved mechanical properties and enhanced comfort characteristics.

Additive manufacturing is also helpful in the medical industry, enabling companies to produce small parts in low volume. This is a benefit of the process for the aerospace industry as well. The aerospace industry uses parts that are lightweight and strong.

Developing printed circuit boards for Industrial Additive Manufacturing

Developing PCBs for Industrial Additive Manufacturing (AM) can effectively address many of the challenges associated with fabricating electronics. With the advent of additive manufacturing processes, designers have access to more flexible, creative, and faster printed circuit board prototyping.

AM provides a lower cost and faster lead time than conventional PCB prototyping. This reduces the risk of human error and delays in final product development. In addition, it allows designers to experiment with more complex board geometry.

Additive manufacturing is a process that uses CAD software and 3D object scanners to deposit substances in complex shapes. These substances build up level by level.

The process eliminates the need for subtractive etching and chemicals. Instead, printed electronics run at a lower temperature (150oC) and do not use toxic etchants. This helps reduce overall waste and material consumption.

With additive manufacturing, companies can produce a wide range of substances, including copper-based solderable circuits. These circuits are flexible and compatible with conventional reflow processes. They also cut costs and meet higher environmental standards.

The lead time for developing PCBs for Industrial Additive Manufacturing depends on the complexity of the product and material weight. As a result, companies may need to work with a traditional PCB manufacturing partner to produce smaller 3D printing jobs. But the advantages of AM may outweigh the additional design work.

AM is ideal for a company that wants to test a new design before going into production or for companies that want to experiment with new products. We can do this by purchasing evaluation boards for particular substances.




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