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About the TG170 PCB Circuit Board

Printed circuit boards prove a fundamental component of all electronics worldwide, something you cannot avoid as an electronics enthusiast. No wonder it becomes commonplace to interact with terms such as tg170, fr4 tg170, tg170 PCB, etc., primarily in the sphere of electronics. However, the manufacture of PCB often entails subjection of the board through high temperatures, especially during lamination. It, therefore, becomes essential to ensure that the PCB material that makes the circuit board proves suitable in withstanding these temperatures. It not only ensures a successful PCB manufacturing process but allows for efficiency when getting used later. This article intends to take you through the tg170 PCB material and why it proves a valuable component for your circuit board needs.

TG170 PCB Circuit Board

Tg170 generally comes as a high TG material. But what does the term TG imply? TG stands for glass transition temperature and often gets used in reference to the temperature tolerance threshold of the epoxy material in a printed circuit board. TG proves a crucial property aspect of epoxy and implies to the temperature range that the polymer changes from tough, glassy material into a soft and rubbery material.

Flame resistance comes as a pivotal attribute for all circuit board materials, though the threshold often differs from one epoxy material to the next. The material never burns but always softens within specific temperature ranges. It is this temperature tipping point that gets inferred as TG or the glass transition temperature.

Tg170 implies the fr4 tg170 material (making the epoxy) withstanding temperatures of up to 170 degrees Celsius during lamination. Since a tg170 falls within the high TG point, you will need higher temperatures to laminate. However, remember that a crisp and tough board ensures the integrity of the hole beside the electrical properties of a PCB, and exceeding the TG point compromises the printed circuit board material. It will get softened, melt, deform, or get subjected to similar phenomena and interfere with the board’s electrical and mechanical properties by making them decline steeply.  

As a general rule of thumb, you should understand that a typical fr4 TG falls under the range of 130-140 centigrade. Moderate TGs withstand higher temperatures of over 150 centigrade but not exceeding 160 centigrade. High TG materials withstand 170 degrees centigrade and higher.  Additionally, the higher the TG point proves, the better your PCB performance against moisture stress, heat resistance, and chemical resistance, consequently implying more stability.

If the working temperature stretches to the material’s melting point, it implies the temperature surpassing the glass transition temperature value. Consequently, the material transforms into a liquid form from the solid glassy state that ultimately compromises the printed circuit board functions.  The TG value relates to the PCB stability and the dimensions of the PCB board.

The tg170 PCB material commonly features in the world of circuit boards as it is popular with manufacturers and consumers alike. It primarily dominates in the manufacture of communication equipment, computers, instruments, and precise apparatus.

Application and Benefits of the TG170

fr4 tg170

It has become apparent that tg170 falls under the high TG category by now. So what benefits can you accrue from using this material, and where can you deploy it to reap the best results? The high TG tg170 material can become instrumental for your PCB needs, especially if you have a decent budget. You would not want to buy a TG material only to get rid of it because of the inability to sustain your PCB needs or its failure to pass through the manufacturing lamination process. It will not only inconvenience you but set you back a few bucks.  

Before we delve into the application and benefits of the high TG tg170 material, it becomes instrumental in looking at the impact of excessive temperature on the composition of the fr4 tg170 substrate. As already established, higher temperatures exceeding the TG value prove detrimental to the structural integrity and functionality of the printed circuit board. So what gets affected in the fr4 substrate when higher temperatures get applied?

  • Crosslinking. It comes as a crucial aspect of the FR4, though it can get affected by higher temperatures than what it has gotten designed to withstand. Higher than acceptable temperatures reduce the crosslink density, and this impacts the segmental mobility by making it easier to transition from a solid to a liquid state.
  • Molecular weight. It closely associates with the crosslink density. As higher than designed for temperatures interact with the fr4, the crosslink density reduces, which subsequently reduces the molecular weight leading to melting.
  • Polymer flexibility. An irreversible change in the crosslinking density and molecular weight reduces the flexibility of the polymer and compromises its ability to function in a printed circuit board. For instance, the hole size can enlarge or reduce significantly, compromising the electronic and electrical features of the PCB design.

It, therefore, becomes essential to operate with an fr4 tg170, especially when the temperatures fall below 170 degrees Celsius. Please take note that the recommendation for glass transition temperature entails always sticking with a TG material rating that at least falls short with 20 degrees, the operating temperature that your PCB will get subjected to. By adhering to this rule, you will get better PCB stability besides a hassle-free PCB operation when you finally deploy it in your electronic of choice.  

Properties of a TG170 PCB

The temperature often constitutes a critical aspect of ensuring stability when trying to work with printed circuit boards. It becomes integral because a change in temperature influences the material properties of the fr4. For instance, an increase in temperature leads to the expansion of the material and subsequent changes in properties. Because of this element, we strongly recommend using tg170 PCB here at RayMing PCB and Assembly Company, especially for systems that operate and emit temperatures that do not exceed 170 degrees Celsius.

The company will cater to your circuit board inquiries and issue quality and affordable PCB products and services. Services entail manufacturing, assembly of PCBs, fabrication, and distribution of the finished printed circuit board. You can also rest easy because of the demonstrated history of dealing in the provision of printed circuit board products and services. What’s more, you also get dedicated assistance in the form of incredible customer care services.

Properties of a TG170 FR4 Material

A tg170 circuit board material has numerous attributes that make it a valuable component of the printed circuit board. Its properties include the following.

  • Reduced thermal expansion
  • A tg170 printed circuit board undergoes reduced dimension alterations when subjected to high temperatures. Therefore, the chances of the substrate breaking or cracking reduce whenever the temperatures cool.
  • Better moisture and heat resistance. A tg170 material offers a better chemical and mechanical resistance to a printed circuit board than the typical fr4 PCBs.

Having canvassed all these aspects, ideas on using the tg170 PCB in your project might have started forming. However, for high-temperature applications, the need to ensure a seamless and efficient operation of your tg170 becomes a non-negotiable. Simply lodge your inquiry for product solutions on our website’s home page. We will meet all your tg170 and PCB needs.    

Applications of the High-Tg170 PCB


You can apply the high tg170 PCB in diverse ways and different industries. However, for better comprehension on your part, we have detailed some essential industries that apply this PCB material type. It includes the following.

  • Metal industries. Metals prove crucial to our daily lives, especially in movement, housing, health, and other important aspects. However, metal industries have to cut, grind, weld, and melt metallic pieces for the right metal shapes. The temperature range in such activities can vary though normally prove high; however, it becomes vital for temperatures that do not exceed 170 degrees Celsius to ensure the micro-controller in these machines operate flawlessly, something that a tg170 PCB exist to do.
  • Engine controllers. The automobile or aerospace industries need reliable controllers in enhancing the efficiency of their engines. However, the high rotations per minute compounded with the extensive running hours can increase the unit’s temperatures to increase significantly. Such an increase necessitates the deployment of high tg170 printed circuit boards or higher to withstand the elevated temperatures.

Benefits of a High-Tg170 Printed Circuit Board

The use of the tb170 PCB can become beneficial in numerous ways. However, in this section, we will detail the two most important advantages.

  • Higher stability. A tg170 printed circuit board possesses a better chemical, moisture, and heat resistance that enhances the PCB’s board lifespan. It accomplishes this by reducing PCB failures like short-circuiting, among other serious challenges.  
  • The ultimate option for multi-layer printed circuit boards
  • PCBs that come with multiple layers possess dense and complex electronic circuits. Such a high density often entails having plenty of electronic components within a limited space, leading to more heat than the typically printed circuit board. Therefore, an effective method of tackling this challenge implies designing the PCB with a tg170 or higher substrate material.

Final Thought

The tg170 printed circuit board often comes as a more reliable and cost-effective PCB solution for high-intensity operations compared to lower glass transition temperature materials or higher TG materials. While the higher than tg170 materials will offer more stability and sustain higher temperatures, the cost always comes steeper. Therefore, if you have to design and get us as RayMing PCB and Assembly company to manufacture your PCB, it would prove wise to go for this affordable yet effective fr4 substrate material.




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