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What is the Difference Between PCB Simulation and Reality Boards?


During the PCB design process, engineers use simulations and analyze reality boards to validate their circuits and layouts. But what exactly is the difference between simulating a PCB versus testing an actual fabricated board?

In this guide, we’ll compare PCB simulation against real boards and prototypes focusing on:

  • The role and benefits of each
  • Types of PCB simulations
  • When to simulate versus build real boards
  • Simulation accuracy and limitations
  • Simulating theoretical ideal boards
  • Hardware measurements on physical boards
  • The importance of prototyping iterations
  • Tips for effective simulations
  • FAQs on simulations and reality boards

By the end, you’ll understand the complementary strengths of simulation and real-world PCB testing to boost design validation.

The Role and Benefits of Simulation and Real Boards

PCB simulation and real fabricated boards both play important roles in the design process:

Simulation Benefits:

  • Verify circuit operation before committing to physical boards
  • Adjust design parameters quickly and easily
  • Identify issues early to guide improvements
  • Test hypothetical scenarios or configurations
  • Gain insights harder to probe in real hardware

Real Board Benefits:

  • Validate actual performance meets requirements
  • Catch physical issues missed in simulation
  • Test manufacturability and assembly
  • Refine design based on real-world feedback
  • Qualify for regulatory or compliance testing

In summary, simulation allows fast, low-cost, low-risk validation of theoretical designs, while real boards test true physical performance to finalize a design.

Next let’s look at the types of PCB simulations engineers commonly utilize.

Types of PCB Simulations

There are a few major categories of simulations used to verify PCB designs:

Analog Circuit Simulation

This includes simulating:

  • Schematic circuits to check operation
  • Critical analog components like op-amps
  • Power supplies, regulators, filters
  • Expected waveforms and transient responses
  • Analog functional blocks like amplifiers

Tools like SPICE are commonly used for analog simulation. This helps confirm circuit topologies and component values work as intended before prototyping.

RF and Signal Integrity Simulation

This covers simulating characteristics like:

  • Signal propagation delays
  • Transmission line impedance
  • Reflections and termination
  • Routing parasitic capacitance/inductance
  • Antenna effects
  • EMI/EMC emissions
  • Frequency response
  • RF radiation patterns

These are especially critical for high-frequency boards. Engineers can optimize trace geometries, layer stacking, component placement, and more using RF tools before fabrication.

Power Integrity Simulation

Simulating factors like:

  • Power supply noise, ripple, and drop
  • Decoupling capacitor design
  • PDN impedances
  • Ground bounce
  • Thermal impact on power
  • Plane resonances and AC effects
  • Board power consumption

Robust power distribution is vital for complex boards. Power integrity simulations help predict and address issues through the design process.

Thermal Simulation

Modeling elements like:

  • Component power dissipation
  • Board thermal gradients
  • Plane spreading resistance
  • Heat sink and airflow performance
  • Hot spots
  • Temperature simulation over time
  • Skin and proximity effects

This helps ensure components operate within safe temperature ranges and boards avoid overheating.

Mechanical Stress Simulation

Analyzing factors like:

  • Board warpage from process or temperature
  • Vibration resonance modes
  • Dynamic mechanical bending stress
  • Mounting pressure effects
  • Thermal expansion or contraction
  • Static loading deflection

Simulating these mechanical effects helps assess structural reliability risks.

Manufacturing Process Simulations

Simulating aspects of PCB fabrication like:

  • Solder paste deposition
  • Component placement
  • Reflow process effects
  • Copper plating thicknesses
  • Etching and mask alignment
  • Thermal warpage during assembly

This allows optimizing the design for the realities of manufacturing processes before committing to builds.

With these simulations, engineers can thoroughly analyze hypothetical board designs before fabrication to optimize and troubleshoot them. But simulations alone cannot provide final validation.

When to Simulate Versus Build Real Boards

Rogers RO4835T PCB

In general, PCB simulation is best leveraged early in the design process, while physical prototypes are essential for final validation.

Utilize Simulation During:

  • Initial concept design
  • Early schematic capture
  • Block diagram modeling
  • Component selection
  • Circuit topology refinement
  • Optimizing layout geometries

Build Real Boards For:

  • Design verification testing
  • Confirming simulation models
  • Qualification and compliance testing
  • Environmental stress testing
  • Manufacturing trial runs
  • Troubleshooting issues missed in simulation
  • Final validation before release

So real-world prototypes complement simulations to validate performance and uncover issues that only arise when testing physical boards.

Simulation Accuracy and Limitations

While extremely useful, simulations have limitations in accuracy and fidelity that engineers should recognize:

Potential Simulation Inaccuracies:

  • Idealized component models
  • Simplified physics approximations
  • Limited fabrication process modeling
  • Static snapshots versus continuous effects
  • Reduced sensitivity to parasitics
  • Assumed ideal construction and assembly
  • Inability to probe chemical interactions

Real World Effects Not Modeled:

  • Component tolerances and variances
  • Inter-component variations
  • Electrical noise
  • Subtle board warpage stresses
  • Material impurities and defects
  • Environmental dynamics
  • Manufacturing defects and anomalies

By understanding these limitations, engineers take simulation results as preliminary guidance while depending on real prototypes for true validation.

Simulating Theoretical Ideal Boards

A key benefit of simulation is the ability to analyze theoretical, ideal boards that differ from the final physical implementation:

Examples of Idealized Simulated Designs:

  • Boards with ample spacing unlikely in real implementations
  • Hypothetical layer stacks difficult to fabricate
  • Minimized parasitics through ideal routing
  • Perfect symmetry unlikely in physical layout
  • Overprovisioned power distribution
  • Components without availability constraints
  • No PCB manufacturing design rules applied

This ability to simulate hypothetical, unbuildable boards allows exploring the true electrical potential of a circuit topology, separate from practical implementation constraints.

Insights gained from simulating theoretical performance bounds subsequently guide design trades required to transform an ideal schematic into a real manufacturable board.

Hardware Measurements on Physical Boards

Hardware Layout
Hardware Layout

In contrast to software simulations, real boards allow concrete hardware measurements like:

  • Functionality testing under analog signals
  • Power rail ripple quantification
  • Isolated power supply loading
  • True voltage drops under load
  • Measured propagation delays
  • Eye diagrams and jitter analysis
  • EMI scans across frequency bands
  • Thermal imaging of gradients
  • Vibration and shock survivability
  • Long term reliability testing
  • Production test coverage analysis

These quantitative hardware measurements provide true empirical validation while also frequently revealing issues not predicted in simulation.

The Importance of Prototyping Iterations

Rarely does a PCB design get it completely right on the very first revision. Expect even a design that simulates successfully to still uncover issues during initial prototype testing.

Typical advantages of second and third revision prototypes:

  • Refinements from first prototype feedback
  • Improved performance as issues are addressed
  • Closer alignment to simulation models
  • Opportunities for optimization and enhancement
  • Final validation before committing to production

Allowing time and budget for multiple prototype spins ensures rigorous validation while yielding improvements over initial prototypes and simulations.

Tips for Effective Simulations

Here are some best practices to maximize the value gained from PCB simulations:

  • Clearly define what needs to be simulated upfront based on risks
  • Keep simulation models as simple as possible while still useful
  • Continuously cross-check models against measured data
  • Account for inherent tool algorithm limitations
  • Vary parameters across wide ranges for sensitivity
  • Visualize results from multiple perspectives
  • Verify key conclusions with hand calculations
  • Document detailed simulation settings for reproducing results

Following these tips will improve the insight and reliability derived from simulations.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions that arise on PCB simulation versus prototypes:

Q: Should every PCB be simulated before prototyping?

A: Extensive simulation may be overkill for simple boards, but is highly recommended for complex, high speed designs before fabrication to maximize catching issues early.

Q: How accurate are PCB simulations compared to measured results?

A: Simulations can provide close approximations but engineers should expect some deviation from actual hardware measurements due to inherent modeling limitations.

Q: Can PCB simulation software replace building real prototypes?

A: No, simulations cannot fully replace fabricated prototypes which are essential for comprehensive performance validation under real-world conditions before releasing a product.

Q: What role should PCB simulation play versus prototypes in the design workflow?

A: Generally simulation is best leveraged early to optimize designs pre-fabrication, while physical prototypes are necessary for complete verification before finalization for production.

Q: How can I determine if an issue is caused by faulty simulation settings versus a true design flaw?

A: Running simulations with varying parameters provides sensitivity analysis to isolate issues. But ultimate confirmation comes from measurements on an actual board prototype.


In summary, PCB simulation and physical boards each serve important yet distinct roles in validating designs:

  • Simulations enable low-cost, fast, low-risk analysis of theoretical or idealized designs to gain preliminary insights.
  • Real fabricated prototypes are indispensable for comprehensive performance validation under empirical, real-world conditions.

Leveraging simulation and prototyping in a complementary fashion allows maximizing design improvements while minimizing costly fabrication iterations.

Understanding the strengths and limitations of simulation compared to physical boards helps gauge appropriate expectations when utilizing these tools. Integrating both validation approaches is key to releasing robust, thoroughly tested products.




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