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How To Design A High Current PCB


Printed circuit boards (PCBs) are at the heart of countless electronic devices and products. For many applications, PCBs need to safely and reliably handle significant amounts of electrical current flow. Designing PCBs for high current operation requires special considerations during schematic capture, component selection, layout, and analysis.

This guide will provide a comprehensive overview of best practices for creating high current PCB designs. We’ll cover key factors like choosing the right traces widths, utilizing multiple layers, managing heat dissipation, minimizing inductance, and more. With the right techniques, you can create robust and optimized high current PCBs. Let’s get started!

High Current PCB Design Guidelines

heavy copper pcb

Here are some of the most crucial guidelines to follow when designing a PCB for high current operation:

Use Appropriate Trace Widths

The first requirement is using PCB copper traces wide enough to handle the expected current without overheating. Some key calculations include:

  • Use Ohm’s Law to convert current to amps and target trace resistance
  • Determine suitable trace widths based on copper thickness and ampacity tables
  • Adjust widths based on desired temperature rise and heat dissipation needs

Wider traces are almost always better for higher current capacity.

Enable Thermal Relief and Heatsinking

Managing heat buildup through thermal relief and heatsinking is critical. Key strategies include:

  • Add thermal spokes or planes connected to high current traces
  • Use thermally conductive pads and vias
  • Connect traces to copper polygons or metal pins for heatsinking
  • Ensure adequate clearance around heat-sensitive components

Utilize Multiple Layers and Planes

Distributing current across multiple board layers provides more capacity and reduces heating. Consider:

  • Use a 4+ layer board for inner power and ground planes
  • Alternate signal and power/ground layers
  • Use vias to connect layers for current sharing

Select Low Resistance Components

Choose components rated for high continuous current when possible. Look for:

  • High-power resistors, capacitors, diodes, regulators etc.
  • Components with low ESR (equivalent series resistance)
  • High current inductors if needed
  • MOSFETs, IGBTs, thyristors for switching

Reduce Inductance With Short Paths

Minimizing parasitic inductance improves transient response and reduces voltage spikes. Tips include:

  • Use the shortest possible traces for power flows
  • Avoid right angle turns; use curved and 45° traces
  • Interleave input and output power paths
  • Use ground plane layers for current returns

Perform Analysis and Simulation

Verify the design through analysis like:

  • Thermal simulation to check temperature rise
  • Current density simulation to identify hotspots
  • Power plane analysis for optimal decoupling
  • SPICE transient analysis to characterize switching

Next, we’ll explore each of these guidelines in greater detail, including trace width calculations, heat management, component selection, and analysis techniques tailored specifically to high current PCB design challenges.

Calculating Appropriate Trace Widths


The starting point for any high current PCB layout is determining the right trace widths for the expected current levels. Let’s walk through the essential calculations involved.

Gather Key Parameters

First, identify the key parameters that factor into trace width:

  • Target current – The maximum steady state current for the trace, typically in amps. Know the worst-case scenario.
  • Allowed temperature rise – How much heating above ambient can be tolerated? 20°C and 40°C rises are common.
  • Copper thickness – Standard PCB copper thickness like 1 oz, 2 oz, etc. Thicker copper has higher ampacity.
  • Target trace resistance – Typically below 50 milliohms for high power; lower is better.
  • Ambient temperature – The external environment temperature.

Use Ohm’s Law to Find Target Resistance

With the target current known in amps, we can use Ohm’s law (R = V / I) to calculate the resistance needed to avoid excessive voltage drop:

Target Resistance = Target Voltage Drop / Target Current

For example, allowing a 100 mV drop with a 15A current flow means the trace resistance should be around 6.7 milliohms.

Lookup Trace Width Based on Desired Ampacity

Next, use ampacity tables to find the trace width needed to achieve the desired ampacity (current carrying capacity) without overheating.

For instance, for 2 oz. copper with a 20°C rise, 15A requires around a 270 mil (0.27″) trace width. Allowing some margin, a 300 mil trace would be selected.

Ampacity varies based on copper thickness, temperature rise, and other factors. Refer to published tables or calculators to determine appropriate widths.

Account for External Thermal Factors

Environmental conditions and the presence of heatsinking or airflow should also be considered:

  • Increase width at higher ambient temperatures
  • Decrease width if adequate heatsinking is available
  • Adjust for enclosed vs open air environments

Ample trace widths are advisable when possible for high current. Now let’s look at managing heat generation.

Managing Heat With Thermal Relief and Heatsinks

No matter how wide the traces, significant heating can still occur when conducting high current. Effective thermal management is crucial to ensure the PCB remains within desired operating temperatures for nearby components and materials.

Provide Thermal Relief

  • Thermal relief* refers to design techniques that help dissipate heat away from traces carrying high current:


  • Use thermal spokes – radial copper shapes connecting traces to plane layers
  • Surround traces with copper pours for better heat spreading
  • Place thermally conductive vias alongside traces as “thermal vias”
  • Use wide, isolated copper regions as heat sinks

Incorporate Heatsinking

Heatsinking refers to dissipating heat by conductively coupling the high current traces to materials with higher thermal mass. This keeps traces cooler under load. Strategies include:

  • Connect traces to large copper regions or thermal pads
  • Link to thicker metal pins, cables, or external heatsinks
  • Embed metal cores or inserts to absorb heat
  • Ensure air flow over board for convection cooling

Proper use of thermal relief and heatsinking prevents excessive trace temperatures during high current operation.

Leave Adequate Clearance Around Heat-Sensitive Components

Ensure that heat generating traces have sufficient clearance from components like electrolytic capacitors that have tighter temperature limits. Use space and isolation to shield sensitive nearby parts from heating effects.

With smart thermal management, the PCB can stay cool even with very high current flows.

Harnessing Multiple PCB Layers

Capitalizing on the use of multiple PCB layers is key for accommodating high current flows. Let’s look at best practices.

Use 4+ Layer Boards

High current PCBs should utilize at least four layers: top and bottom signal layers, and power and ground plane layers internally. This provides more area for current conduction while also helping manage heat.

Additional layers can be added for very high current capacity or to incorporate shielding layers. But four tends to be the minimum for high power applications.

Dedicate Layers for Power and Ground

The internal layers should be dedicated as whole planes for power and ground distribution. This gives maximal current capacity.

Use a grid of vias to connect the planes to surface traces for sharing current across layers.

Alternate Signal and Plane Layers

Alternating signal layers with power/ground layers is ideal for high current stacking:

Copy code

Top Layer (Signal) Plane Layer (Power) Layer 2 (Signal) Plane Layer (Ground) Bottom Layer (Signal)

This allows signals to have low impedance returns through adjacent planes while also simplifying routing.

Incorporate Vertical Layer Transitions

Utilize vias, component pads, and other vertical interconnects to transition current between layers for optimal distribution. The goal is to maximize utilization of the full PCB volume.

A multilayer approach with dedicated power planes is ideal for meeting high current demands.

Component Selection Considerations

extreme copper pcb

In additional to PCB traces, the electronic components used in a high current design must also meet power demands. Let’s review key selection factors.

Choose High Power Resistors

When using resistors, choose appropriately rated power resistors up to several watts. Requirements include:

  • Adequate wattage rating for expected power dissipation
  • Sufficient heat sinking properties
  • Non-inductive type for high frequency applications

Select Capacitors With Low ESR

For capacitors, low equivalent series resistance (ESR) is key. Prioritize types like:

  • Electrolytic capacitors designed for high ripple current
  • Polymer capacitors that withstand heat and surges
  • Low ESR ceramic capacitors for decoupling

Avoid small form-factor capacitors not rated for power use.

Consider High Current Inductors

Standard signal inductors saturate at higher currents. For inductors in power circuits:

  • Choose ferrite, iron powder, or toroidal inductors intended for power use
  • Select inductors with higher saturation current ratings
  • Allow margin above peak current demands

Use MOSFETs, IGBTs, and Thyristors For Switching

When using semiconductors like transistors or ICs for high current switching applications:

  • Choose components rated for adequate continuous and pulsed current
  • Watch peak current, rise time (di/dt) and RDSon specifications
  • Use TO-220, TO-247, or other power packages
  • Look for automotive or motor control rated parts

With robust components selected for the expected current levels, the circuit design is much more likely to operate reliably under high power demands.

Minimizing Parasitic Inductance

For high current PCBs carrying pulsed or AC currents, the parasitic inductance of traces and loops can lead to voltage spikes or ringing. Careful layout is key to minimizing inductance.

Use the Shortest Possible Traces

The number one rule is to make high current traces as short and direct as possible:

  • Avoid meandering, zig-zag, or tightly curved traces
  • Use 45 degree angles instead of 90 degree bends when needed
  • Tightly couple input and output paths together

Shorter traces proportionally reduce parasitic inductance.

Avoid Loop Areas

Minimize the enclosed area of high di/dt current loops. Strategies include:

  • Use ground plane layers for tight signal returns
  • Interleave input and output paths side-by-side
  • Eliminate loops by using low-inductance bidirectional flow

Loops allow magnetic flux buildup – smaller loops give lower inductance.

Use No-Connect Copper Fills

Flooding non-critical regions with copper fills reduces loop areas. The fills act as continuations of the ground planes without forming shorts.

Simulate Current Density

Current density analysis can reveal localized areas of higher di/dt and associated inductance for mitigation.

With careful layout practices, parasitic inductance can be designed out of the PCB early for robust high current performance.

Verification Through Analysis and Simulation

The final step is leveraging analysis techniques like thermal simulation, power plane analysis, and circuit simulation to verify the design before manufacturing the PCB.

Thermal Analysis

Thermal simulation confirms the PCB will remain within acceptable temperature limits under expected current loads and ambient conditions:

  • Perform steady state thermal analysis to check temperature rise
  • Run electrothermal analysis to account for interdependencies
  • Verify thermal management features are working as intended

Power Integrity Analysis

Power integrity analysis ensures clean power distribution with minimal noise:

  • Run AC analysis to optimize decoupling capacitor placement
  • Check for adequate target impedance levels
  • Identify resonance risks from planes and capacitor banks
  • Verify power stability for all load conditions

Transient Circuit Simulation

SPICE and other circuit simulation techniques characterize performance:

  • Simulate switching behavior and voltage/current waveforms
  • Check for issues like ringing or electromagnetic emissions
  • Account for parasitic capacitance and inductance
  • Assess worst-case transients at high di/dt

These analysis flows validate the design early, before any high current issues appear!

Example High Current PCB Designs

To make these concepts more concrete, let’s walk through a few example high current PCB implementations.

High Power LED Driver

Here is an LED driver PCB designed for constant current output up to 5A for high power LEDs:

  • Uses 4-layer board with power and ground planes
  • LED terminals use wide 500mil traces
  • Vias connect layers for thermal relief
  • Short, direct paths used for current loops
  • Components rated for high power use

High Current Buck Converter

This 15A buck converter steps down voltage for motor drives and other loads:

  • Large high current tracks and polygons
  • Thermal relief techniques used throughout
  • Low ESR capacitors plus ceramic bypass
  • Short, coupled inductor traces
  • Robust MOSFETs and minimal parasitic PCB inductance

High Power Audio Amplifier

Here is a stereo audio amplifier PCB supplying over 50 watts into 4 ohm speakers:

  • Multiple ground plane layers for noise isolation
  • Beefy traces bringing power to amplifiers
  • Thermal vias help heatsink output devices
  • High current resistors used for gain setting
  • Simulation confirms low THD and clean power delivery

These examples illustrate the techniques explored in this guide applied to real-world high current scenarios.

Key Takeaways

To recap, the major best practices for high current PCB design include:

  • Use appropriately sized traces based on expected current
  • Incorporate thermal management strategies
  • Utilize multilayer boards with power/ground planes
  • Select components rated for higher current
  • Minimize parasitic inductance through layout
  • Verify the design through advanced analysis

Combining these practices allows you to create reliable, optimized PCBs for high power applications able to safely handle substantial currents.

The demand for current capacity in electronic devices keeps increasing. By mastering high current PCB design techniques, electrical engineers can meet the needs of the latest LED drivers, battery systems, motor controllers, power converters and other high power electronics.

Frequently Asked Questions

How thick should traces be for 10A current?

For 10 amps, a good starting point is 500mil wide traces on the outer layers using 2oz copper. Wider traces, thicker copper, and inner plane layers can provide additional margin.

What is the maximum current for a 4-layer PCB?

There is no fixed limit, but practical capacities with good design are 30-50A for inner power plane layers, and 15-30A for outer signal layers. More layers proportionally increase capacity. Proper thermal management must be incorporated.

When should heatsinks be used on a PCB?

Heatsinks are recommended whenever localized heating could exceed desired temperatures in a high current region. Large copper planes, thermal pads connected to traces, and external heatsinks help ensure components and materials remain within safe operating temperatures.

How can I reduce inductance for high di/dt currents?

Use the shortest possible traces, interleave input/output paths, utilize ground planes for returns, eliminate loop areas, and flood unused areas to reduce partial inductance. Circuit simulation can also quantify parasitic inductance effects.

What type of analysis helps verify high current PCB performance?

Thermal simulation confirms temperatures remain in check. Power integrity analysis verifies clean power delivery. Transient circuit simulation models high di/dt effects. And signal integrity analysis can check for crosstalk issues. Advanced analysis gives high confidence prior to manufacturing.


Designing printed circuit boards for high current operation requires paying special attention to trace widths, thermal management, layout techniques, component selection, and analysis processes. Using the best practices described in this guide, PCB designers can create robust boards able to handle up to 50A or more of continuous current when properly engineered.

Key takeaways include using adequately sized copper traces, incorporating thermal relief and heatsinking, utilizing multiple PCB layers, choosing components rated for higher currents, minimizing parasitic inductance through careful layout, and leveraging simulation tools to verify the design.

With the growing demand for power electronics, high current PCB expertise is becoming increasingly essential. By following the guidance in this article, electrical engineers can develop expertise in laying out PCBs that perform reliably under high current loads. The ability to design boards with 10A, 20A, 30A or higher capacity takes practice, but by combining the right design processes, PCB engineers can master creating high power circuit boards ready for the most demanding industry applications.




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