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What is Taconic TRF-43 PCB ?

Have you ever seen a PCB? Do you know how a PCB operates? Have you ever heard of the Taconic TRF-43 PCB? Well, if all these questions puzzle you, worry not because we have got you. In this article, we shall go through PCBs in general, then dig into the TRF-43 PCBs, one of the best PCBs in the market. These PCBs are well developed to be efficient and durable, making them the best PCBs to implement in the 21st century. We shall be diving into these PCBs in depth so you can learn more about why we recommend them, so stick around.

Understanding PCBs

PCBs or Printed Circuit Boards are typically used to mechanically support and connect electronic components electrically using conductive pathways. Track traces, etched from sheets of copper-coated onto surfactants that are non-conductive, are used to manufacture PCBs. The PCBs are implemented in computers, communication devices, and other devices that use electricity to function.

PCBs comes in different types, namely:

  • Single-sided PCBs
  • Multilayer PCB
  • Rigid PCBs
  • Double-sided PCB
  • Flex PCBs
  • Rigid-flex PCBs

You have probably come across or even used a device that implements PCBs. Examples of such devices include:

Now that we have that covered, let us look at the Taconic TRF-43 PCB and why it stands out compared to other PCBs.

Taconic TRF-43 PCB

Taconic TRF-43 PCBs represent new generation thermally stable, low-loss overlays. These PCBs are reinforced using woven glass, which enhances their dimensional stability. Taconic TRF-43 PCBs exhibit consistent and low z-axis expansion across a huge temp range; it goes up to soldering conditions.

The TRF-43 is part of Taconic’s ORCER (Organic Ceramic) line of products. The PCBs have a DK or Dielectric Constant of 4.3  +/- 0.15 and a Dissipation factor of 0.0035. Its Thermal conductivity stands at 0.43 W/m-k.

Composition on ingredients

Taconic TRF-43 PCBs are made up of the following ingredients:

Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) – 10% – 70% of the total weight

Fiberglass – 5% – 28% of the total weight

Copper – 1% – 50% of the total weight

Amorphous silica – 2% – 35% of the total weight

Titanium dioxide – 1% – 25%

Taconic TRF-43 PCB Chemical and Physical properties

Taconic TRF-43 PCBs have the following chemical and physical properties:

  • Physical state – Taconic TRF-43 PCBs come in solid-state
  • Color – they come in two different colors, brown and copper
  • Odor – Taconic TRF-43 PCBs are odorless
  • Melting point – Taconic TRF-43 PCBs melt in between 3200C – 3400C
  • Flashpoint – Taconic TRF-43 PCBs do not flash
  • Specific gravity – stands at 2.30
  • Solubility – Taconic TRF-43 PCBs are insoluble
  • Automatic ignition temp – 5200C
  • Decomposition temperature – stands at 4700C

Now that we know what the Taconic TRF-43 PCBs entail both chemically and physically, let us now look at the benefits of using them.

Benefits of Utilizing Taconic TRF-43 PCB

  • Taconic TRF-43 PCBs have low loss Ceramic filled PTFE
  • Low Z-axis CTE
  • Its DK is stable over Frequency
  • It has a high thermal conductivity
  • Its dielectric factor is stable over its Frequency

Taconic TRF-43 PCBs Applications

We can utilize these impressive PCBs in:

  1. RFID Antennas
  2. Satellite Radio Antennas

Taconic TRF-43 PCBs Polytetrafluoroethylene Component

Taconic TRF-43 PCBs have a high Polytetrafluoroethylene concentration. Therefore knowing how to handle this component properly could boost the amount of time you get to use your PCB.

Handling TR-43 PCBs Polytetrafluoroethylene overlays

Polytetrafluoroethylene  is a thermoplastic component that is pretty stable chemically and electrically compared to other thermosetting resins for example:

  • Polyphenylene oxide
  • Cyanate ester
  • Polyimide
  • Epoxy

A portion of what gives Polytetrafluoroethylene the outstanding performance over temperature and Frequency also weakens the pure resin used. Due to this reason, we reinforce all Taconic TRF-43 PCBs with glass fabric. Even though the woven glass reinforcement increases the PCBS dimensional stability, you still have to take precautions while handling this product.

Precautions to take while handling PTFE

Avoid Mechanical Scrubbing

Mechanically scrubbing PTFE will deform and stretch the product. In addition, the pinch rollers we use to hold the panels while being scrubbed, leaves dents on the panel while the brushed stuff gets pressed onto the panel. Instead of mechanical scrubbing, we recommend you use chemical cleaning instead. Eliminating Mechanical scrubbing plus other unnecessary handling behaviors ultimately boosts the PCB’s subsequent processing dimensional accuracy.

Avoid picking up PTFE Panels Horizontally using a single edge

When you lift PTFE panels horizontally, you force the panel to easily flop over, which ultimately stretches the surfactant and copper. Instead, lift these panels using two edges, preferably the edges closest dimensionally close to each other.

Do not Deposit Contaminants on the Copper or substratum

To ensure that you do not contaminate the copper or surfactants used, you should:

  • Use slip sheets
  • Wear protective gloves while handling Taconic TRF-43 PCB panels

The most common contaminants include:

  • Fingerprints
  • Grease
  • Oil

If you take proper precautions and avoid contaminating your panels, you will not have a hard time getting them off.

Avoid Mechanical Rubbing of the PTFE Surface right after removing/etching the Copper

If the PTFE surface is left untouched, it is pretty good for bonding, prepreg, and adhesion of solder masks. However, the PTFE etched surface is prone to wetness because of the tooth structures left behind after etching. In case the surface is disturbed, you can improve its adhesion and wettability via plasma etching and the use of sodium.

Avoid stacking the Panel one onto of another

Debris or particles found on one panel can leave imprints onto the surfactants and copper of the adjacent panel. Therefore, we recommend that you store the panel racked vertically. If you must stack the panels, then implement a soft, clean slip sheet in between each panel. Also, ensure you keep the stack’s height to the absolute minimum.


Drilling holes in PCBs is a great factor to consider. Messing up while drilling could mess up the entire PCB, so here are some guidelines to follow.

You should always use the recommended Taconic drill parameters to attain the best hole quality. PCB carbide drills, standard 130 degrees point geometry, are great for drilling Taconic PCBs that are PTFE based. However, the drill’s sharpness can significantly affect the hole’s quality. Therefore, consider implementing new drills to attain incredible hole quality. In addition, it is advisable to implement a pressure limit of 40 psi; this should only increase if the topside burring becomes excessive.

The drill’s parameters determine how many hits a drill attains. These parameters are set according to the panel’s overlay thickness, stack height, and hole size. A worn-out drill bit will eventually result in many nodules that one may notice even after plating. Regular drill hit count ranges between 1500 and 500 hits for Taconic TRF-43 PCBs.

After drilling, you should get rid of all the debris occurring during the process. You can implement high-pressure water blasts to remove debris from the hole. If you implement water pressure to remove debris, ensure you bake the PCBs overlay for about an hour at 1210C to get rid of moisture before hole treatment.

What about unsuccessful drilling?

If you do not meet the drilling conditions, then burring might occur. If this happens, we recommend that you avoid sanding. Instead, implement pumice scrubbing, although processes that harm the PCBs overlay are greatly discouraged. But, again, the best solution is to fully understand the drilling conditions and parameters.

If smearing occurs (a condition whereby the PTFE resin gets heated and softens), you should:

  • Reduce the drilling speed (assuming that you are implementing a sharp bit) this reduce heat build-up

Gouging or hole wall tear-out is another condition that might occur during a drilling process. Gouging mainly occurs due to using an excessively high chip load or a dull drill. However, even the fiberglass weaved style might also cause gouging. A coarse glass is more likely to have gouging compared to a fine or medium glass style. If you identify gouging, you should check on the drill bit first before moving on to change the drill’s parameters. If this does not get rid of the gouging, try changing the drill’s chip load, this should do the trick. Ensure you keep the drill bit’s temperature to an absolute minimum by keeping low surface feet per minute while adjusting the drill’s chip load.

Now that we have all the handling information required to work with a Taconic TRF-43 PCB, let us look at its reactivity and stability.

Taconic TRF-43 PCB Reactivity and Stability

Reactivity – when stored and handled correctly, Taconic TRF-43 PCBs are non-reactive

Chemical stability – under proper storage conditions, Taconic TRF-43 PCBs are stable.

Hazardous reaction possibility – when appropriately stored, hazardous polymerization doesn’t occur.

Conditions that you should avoid entirely – avoid overheating the PCBs. High temperatures led to the production of toxic or irritating fumes.

Incompatible products – powdered metals, finely divided aluminum, acid, acetylene, and strong oxidizer, for example, fluorine.

Products that cause hazardous decomposition – include hydrogen fluoride, carbonyl fluoride, and Fluorinated hydrocarbons.

Disposal Considerations

Disposal should occur following the local, state, and federal regulations. You should dispose dry solids in landfills that are registered, licensed, or permitted to handle the solid industrial waste. Incinerate only when you are sure that the incinerator can scrub out hydrogen fluoride plus other acidic products released during combustion.


PCBs have flooded the market, making it hard to choose the right PCB to implement. However, we hope that this article has brought to light the uniqueness of the Taconic TRF-43 PCBs and why they stand out compared to other PCBs. Its efficiency and effectiveness is unmatched globally. Hence the next time you hit the market to buy a PCB, ask for the Taconic TRF-43 PCBs if you wish to buy a quality product for your project.




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