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CCTV Camera Rigid Flex PCB circuit board Design

Camera Rigid Flex PCB Cost

Name : Camera Rigid Flex PCB Cost

Layer count : 6 Layer PCB

Board thickness : 0.9 mm

Copper thickness :1 oz

Fr4 Material: IT180A + AK

Application: Vehicular HD camera

Feature: Rigid-flexible

Rayming provide rigid flex pcb assembly service too, send your files to get quote now.


Closed-circuit television (CCTV) cameras used for video surveillance rely on small, lightweight printed circuit boards (PCBs) to host the image sensor, processor, and interconnect components. Rigid-flex PCB technology is well-suited for integrating the high density functions within the tight space constraints of camera modules.

This article provides an overview of key design considerations for rigid-flex PCBs used in CCTV cameras. We will focus on the layout, materials selection, stackup, and fabrication factors required to ensure reliable performance under mechanical and electrical stresses.

CCTV Camera System Overview

CCTV cameras capture video using a lens that transmits images onto a photosensitive image sensor. Key components include:

  • Image Sensor – CMOS or CCD sensor that converts light into electrical signals
  • Lens – Focuses scene onto image sensor; types include fixed, vari-focal, P-iris
  • Image Processor – Chip processes sensor data into video output format
  • Flexible PCB – Interconnects sensor to processor board
  • Memory – Buffers video data before transmission
  • Power Supply – Provides regulated voltages to components

These subsystems are packaged into compact camera modules rugged enough for harsh environments.

Benefits of Rigid-Flex PCBs for CCTV Cameras

Rigid-flex PCBs provide several benefits for CCTV camera applications:

  • Compact integration – Interconnect various rigid PCB assemblies flexibly
  • Layer flexibility – Optimize trace routing using multiple rigid/flex layers
  • 3D configuration – Route traces on multiple axes efficiently
  • Reliability – Withstand vibration/shock without solder cracks
  • Serviceability – Allow disassembly to service/replace modules
  • Signal integrity – Carefully match impedances for video signals
  • High speed support – Facilitate fast data interfaces like MIPI
  • Thermal dissipation – Sink heat using thermally conductive rigid sections

Rigid-flex integration enables packaging innovations not possible with rigid PCBs alone.

CCTV Camera Rigid-Flex PCB Design Considerations

Here are some of the major design aspects and challenges for rigid-flex PCBs used in CCTV cameras:

Electrical Interface Planning

  • Sensor selection influences resolution, pixel formats, and data rates
  • Processor determines video compression methods used
  • Memory capacities depend on video buffering needs
  • High speed serial interfaces like MIPI CSI-2 require impedance control

Routing Complexity

  • Route sensor inputs to processor via flexible layers
  • Fan-out GPU outputs to numerous memory ICs
  • Creative use of rigid-flex layers avoids congestion

Layer Stackup

  • Optimize stackup for routing needs balancing rigidity, flexibility
  • Ensure stackup can support high speed signals without reflections
  • Embed ground planes between critical high speed traces

Component Layout

  • Layout sensor and processor ICs for shortest interconnect
  • Group decoupling capacitors adjacent to ICs
  • Ensure clearance for connectors and components on both sides

Thermal Management

  • Sensor and GPUs generate significant heat needing conduction
  • Incorporate thermally conductive rigid sections to spread heat
  • Allow for thermal expansion and contraction effects

Environmental resilience

  • Withstand humidity, contaminants, shock and vibration
  • Avoid brittle materials prone to cracking

Careful electrical and mechanical design is key to withstand electrical and environmental stresses.

CCTV Camera Rigid-Flex PCB Material Selection

Material selection for the rigid and flexible portions of the PCB stackup requires balancing electrical, mechanical, thermal, and cost considerations:

Rigid Substrate

  • Thermally stable, stronger materials handle stresses
  • FR-4 glass reinforced epoxy is commonly used
  • Low CTE polymers manage expansion effects

Flexible Dielectric

  • Thin polyimide films enable dynamic flexing
  • Adhesive “bondply” layers integrate rigid and flex
  • Modified acrylic and polyimide adhesives are options

Copper Foil

  • 1⁄2 to 2 oz. foil is typical for signal traces
  • Selectively thicken power traces for current flow


  • Liquid photoimageable (LPI) preferred for finer features
  • Cured epoxy coating protects circuitry


  • Polyimide films with acrylic adhesive
  • Protects delicate flex circuit traces from damage

Material selection balances cost, manufacturability, and performance.

Stackup Configuration Guidelines

Here are some stackup configuration guidelines for CCTV camera rigid-flex PCB layout:

  • Signal reference planes – Embed ground layers adjacent to critical high speed interfaces for controlled impedance
  • Balance layer counts – Maintain symmetry of dielectric layers through cross-section to minimize warpage
  • Interface isolation – Assign separate ground returns for isolated digital and analog domains
  • Controlled impedances – Match trace widths and spacings to dielectric materials to achieve 50/100 Ohm differential impedances
  • Power integrity – Incorporate power and ground planes to supply clean, regulated voltages with decoupling capacitors
  • Reduce crosstalk – Provide ground/power isolation between noisy circuits and sensitive analog traces
  • Bend radius – Ensure minimum flexible circuit bend radius ≥ 10X material thickness
  • Reliability – Model stresses and validate design margins through simulation

Careful stackup design ensures signal and power integrity while withstanding stresses.

Fabrication Process Considerations

Fabricating reliable rigid flex PCBs for CCTV cameras involves precision in key process steps:


  • Eliminate voids between rigid and flex layers
  • Apply uniform pressure and temperature to bond layers
  • Address resin starvation issues around thick copper shapes


  • Tight depth control for holes spanning multiple sections
  • Excellent hit-to-hole registration on dense designs
  • Avoid smear generation compromising hole walls


  • Precise depth control maintaining target stackup
  • Minimize undercuts violating trace spacing rules
  • Smooth copper foil surfaces; no folds or wrinkles


  • Uniform copper plating distribution inside holes
  • Good throwing power on high aspect ratio micro-vias
  • Validate hole wall plating integrity through cross-sectioning


  • Tight process control for 5 mil line widths
  • Eliminate opens or shorts violating tolerances
  • Anisotropic etching on flexible circuits


  • LPI photosensitive coatings for fine features
  • Eliminate voids, gaps or alignment issues
  • Proper curing to avoid outgassing or delamination

A rigorous fabrication process focus enables building high reliability rigid flex boards.

PCB Design Guidelines

Here are some key PCB design guidelines to ensure CCTV camera rigid flex manufacturability and reliability:

  • Maintain minimum bend radius ≥ 10X flex material thickness
  • Eliminate acute angles; use teardrops when unavoidable
  • Allow tolerances for hole positions spanning rigid-flex areas
  • Check impact of hole densities on alignment accuracy
  • Ensure stackup construction is within lamination capabilities
  • Watch for trapped resin around thick copper shapes
  • Model thermal expansion mismatch stresses using FEA
  • Verify electrical performance under dynamic flexing

Reviews with the manufacturer during design validation phases prevents issues afterwards.

Testing and Inspection

Testing rigid flex PCBs for CCTV cameras involves:

Pre-Treatment Testing

  • Microsection internal layers to validate fabrication quality
  • C-SAM inspection for delamination or interface gaps
  • Cross-section plated holes to check hole wall plating

Post-Etch Testing

  • Verify electrical connectivity between layers catches any shorts
  • Impedance testing of controlled impedance interfaces
  • Check hole registration accuracy using flying probe testing

Post Soldermask Testing

  • AOI scan checks soldermask and legend quality
  • Detect spacing violations or misregistrations

Post-Assembly Testing

  • Validate video signal integrity and bit error rates pre and post flexing
  • Environmental stress testing of populated assembly
  • Life cycle flexure testing for robustness

Rigorous testing at multiple stages ensures quality and reliability.


Rigid flex PCBs provide an enabling packaging solution for integrating the image sensor, processor, memory and interconnects within the tight confines of CCTV camera modules. The combination of rigid sections and dynamic flex layers facilitates routing complexity and 3D configurations not possible with rigid technology alone.

Careful design practices including matching controlled impedances, managing signal isolation, allowance for mechanical stresses, and design-for-manufacturing verification with fabrication partners are vital to ensure reliable performance in demanding conditions. With reliable PCBs, CCTV cameras can capture high quality video securely.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What are the main benefits of using rigid-flex PCBs in CCTV cameras?

Rigid-flex PCBs enable creative packaging integration and interconnect within tight spaces while resisting dynamic bending stresses better than rigid PCBs.

Q: What are some key electrical interfaces used in CCTV cameras?

High speed serial interfaces like MIPI CSI-2 are used between image sensors and processors. DDR3/4 memory interfaces support video buffering. HDMI, SDI outputs connect to displays.

Q: What are important design factors from a signal integrity standpoint?

Matching trace geometries to achieve 50 Ohm controlled impedances, isolating analog/digital signals, and minimizing discontinuities is vital for signal integrity.

Q: What fabrication processes need specific attention?

Steps like lamination, drilling, plating, etching and soldermask application require precision when working with thin materials spanning rigid-flex PCBs.

Q: What testing validates the quality and reliability of finished boards?

Pre-treatment inspections, post-etch electrical testing, AOI checks, and post-assembly validation testing provides full quality assurance.




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