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5G Antenna vs 4G Antenna: What’s the Difference?

5G is widely known as the most recent mobile network, which has been designed to take the place of 4G technologies offering some improvements with respect to reliability, coverage, and speed.

In this article, 5G vs 4G antenna, we will be taking our time to explain what 4g and 5g is, and how they differ. We will also talk about how beneficial they are to humans.

Flying High Using 4G

Imagine you as well as the opera suspended 30 meters from the ground. Even so, you can only move above and then below the singers this time. You are also still rotating in a 30-meter-diameter semicircle, but this time, it is vertical. Again, one will clearly hear their country’s anthem when it is being sung by the singers; however, as you move upwards, the sound will progressively become quieter.

Finally, you will only hear very little whenever you’re levitating about 30 meters just above the singers. A 4G antenna helps in radiating on vertical planes like this. Once more, the majority of signal radiation is directly infront of that antenna panel, and as you go away, it eliminates or reduces intensity.

Getting Louder Using 5G

5G Antenna

Now let’s hand a bullhorn to every opera singer. This sound is suddenly considerably louder. Imagine that you are currently circling the opera in a vertical or horizontal semicircle. This time, when you move, the singers start directing their bullhorns at you.

No matter where you are, the sound is always just as loud it was whenever you were directly in the front of your opera because it is accompanying you. 5G antennas function in this manner. The opera singers’ head movements are dynamic beamforming, which tracks a user as they’re moving from the middle of the panel of the 5G antenna.

Why Choose 5G

The main reason and focus or requiring an upgraded and a better network is just to support all the rising increases in devices demanding internet access. A good number of them require much bandwidth to help it function normally, which the 4G can’t just accommodate anymore.

Furthermore, the 4G network was released in 2009 and made available to the public, As at 2021, the mobile networks now carry about 300x additional traffic than it carried back in 2011. Furthermore, 5G makes use of different antennas, they also operate working on different frequencies of radio spectrum, and more devices will be able to connect to internet, deliver very fast speeds, and then reduce delays.

5G Doesn’t Work the Same Way as 4G

If it weren’t fundamentally distinct from current networks in some manner, a new kind of network wouldn’t qualify as novel.

Greater radio frequencies

One fundamental distinction is the usage of particular radio frequencies by 5G to accomplish what the 4G networks will not be able to.

As you ascend into greater frequencies, this radio spectrum will then be divided into bands, with each having its own characteristics. Although there are 5G networks that utilize higher frequencies, such as those at least 30 GHz, 4G utilizes frequencies under 6 GHz. One significant benefit of these high frequencies is that they support an enormous capacity for rapid data. They can be employed in future to meet rising bandwidth demands because they are highly directed and less congested with present cellular data.

This is significantly different to the 4G towers, which might possibly waste power and energy by beaming radio waves in places where people aren’t even trying to access the internet.

Shorter wavelengths

Additionally, 5G employs shorter wavelengths, allowing for the use of considerably smaller antennas while maintaining accurate directional control. In comparison to 4G, 5G could support more than 1,000 more gadgets or devices each meter since a base station could make use of additional directional antennas.

All this translates into 5G networks being able to broadcast fast data with a high precision as well as low latency to a large number of users.

However, the majority of these extremely high frequencies only function when there is a straight, unobstructed line of sight formed between the device and the antenna accepting the signal.

In addition, some of the high frequencies were readily absorbed by dampness, rain, as well as other substances, which reduces their range.

Because of these factors, a robust 5G connection that is present wherever you are may drop to the 4G speeds whenever you go a short distance away. One method of addressing this is the use of carefully placed antennas, which can be either small ones put in certain buildings or rooms that require them or enormous ones spread out across a metropolis.

In order to extend radio waves to the greatest extent feasible and support long-distance 5G, it is important for several repeating stations as 5G grows.

The ability of modern networks to move into the lower mode of power when it is not used or when providing low rates into specific devices, as well as to do so while switching to higher-powered modes for things such as video streaming in HD, is another distinction between 5G antenna vs 4G antenna.  In fact, compared to earlier networks such as 4G, 5G is up to 90% more efficient with respect to energy, according to certain studies.

5G Is Much Faster Compared to 4G

The quantity of data which can be transferred (downloaded or uploaded) via a network in a specific amount of time is referred to as bandwidth. This means that a device might possibly experience what’s called peak speeds under perfect circumstances where there are extremely few, if there are any, other devices as well as interferences to alter the speed.

5G is about 20x faster compared to 4G in terms of peak speed. Thus, you may have downloaded 20 times as much data via a 5G network in the time you took before downloading just a piece of content using 4G (such as a movie). Another way to look at it is that before 4G can deliver the first part of any movie, you can download nearly ten of them!

While 4G’s maximum download speed is only 1 Gbps, 5G’s minimum speed for download is 20 Gbps. These figures apply to stationary devices, such as those in FWA configurations, where a specific direct wireless link exists between the device of the user and cell tower. Once you’re moving, such as in a train or car, speeds change.

Due to the numerous other factors that influence bandwidth, these aren’t typically called the “standard” speeds that these devices experience. The measured average bandwidth or realistic speeds should be the focus instead.

Although 5G coverage has been expanding rapidly, the majority of people presumably still don’t always have access to the 5G speeds, thus it would be unfair to draw conclusions from regular real-world observations.

Despite this, some sources indicate that average download speeds are just 100 Mbps (Verizon’s 5G service provides data between 300 Mbps to about 1 Gbps).

5G Antenna vs 4G Antenna: Features Present in 5G That are Absent in 4G


It’s obvious that 5G has been creating new roads into the future to serve communication and mobile devices due to the obvious differences regarding the way they perform, but what does this truly mean for you?

You can still access the internet, make calls, send messages, and also stream videos using this next-generation network. Actually, nothing you presently do on the phone in terms of internet access is diminished when you go to 5G—they are simply upgraded.

When adopting this technology, websites load more quickly, multiplayer games online lag less, and there is realistic and smooth video when you are making use of FaceTime, and more.

Because 5G is just so fast, everything you’re doing online now that appears to occur fairly quickly would appear to happen instantly.

More Features

You may connect more devices to your internet at once without experiencing capacity constraints if you employ 5G in your home in replacing your cable. Several internet connections for home are very slow to the extent that they cannot support the latest connected technology that is being released today.

Your wireless thermostat, Smartphone, consoles for video gaming, smart locks, headset for virtual reality, wireless cameras for security, tablet, as well as laptop may all be connected to a single network using 5G from home without you having to worry about them all turning off at once.

The airways are now open for further internet-enabled technology like traffic lights, mobile wearables, wireless sensors, as well as car-to-car communication, when 4G fails to meet the data requirements of an increasing number of devices.

It isn’t a fair assumption to believe that all this can be handled by the 4G networks. Vehicles that get GPS data as well as other instructions which assists them in navigating the road, including software upgrades, traffic alerts as well as real-time data, need fast internet in order to always remain on top.

Given 5G networks can send data much faster than the 4G networks, then it is possible to anticipate that there will be an increase in the amount of data transfers that are uncompressed and raw in the future. Information may now be accessed even more quickly because it doesn’t have to be decompressed.

5G Antenna vs 4G Antenna: Safe distances

Returning to the initial setup now, one listener stands facing the opera, who is about 30 meters distance away. No loudspeakers. Imagine the listener begins to approach while remaining directly facing the opera. That volume of the sound increases. The sound eventually becomes really loud, and then their ears begin to suffer. The user retreats till the pain subsides. Let’s say the distance to the opera is 5 meters. This represents the bare minimum fair distance from which you can listen to this opera without risking eardrum damage. The same principles govern the mobile wireless network.

The greatest electric field strength facing the antenna is set by a governing authority. Engineers can use the maximum intensity of the electric field to determine its safe distance. Getting too close could hurt your body if you are nearer than the established safe distance. The precise safe distance is dependent on a number of variables.

More on Safe Distances

Returning to the current situation, We just said that when you’re standing right at the middle of this opera, your safe distance becomes 5 meters. In the previous 4G scenario, we discovered that shifting away from that exact center reduces the sound’s intensity. We hear far less if we stand 5 meters from the spot but completely toward the side. In such situation, our ears won’t ache even when we get closer than the 5 meters.

Because of this, you can stand right beneath 4G panel antennas even though your distance from the panel is closer than the minimum safe distance.

Let’s examine the reasonable distance for the 5G cases. Here,  the volume is stronger and opera singers are using bullhorns. Now, 10 meters from these singers, our ears begin to hurt. This safe distance is not only greater, but it also remains constant regardless of the listener’s position because opera singers accompany them as they are moving around. As a result, this safe distance from the middle of your panel for the 5G antenna, including the areas directly below and above the antenna, is 10 meters throughout all directions.

Although in practice this safe distance may change slightly depending on the position of the UE in relation to its panel, this is the way things work inside the Radiofrequency world in theory.

Where Can I Get 5G?

Since its rollout is still in progress, you cannot have access to all 5G networks anywhere (unlike you definitely will with 4G). In the majority of densely populated regions, you can connect to a faster kind, but in the majority of urban and rural areas, you can only connect to the slower type (or nothing at all)


We hope we have done well concerning the differences between 5g antenna vs 4g antenna. Clearly, 5g is more advanced and with greater features.




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