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Plugging the Connection Gap: The Importance of Filled Vias in Modern PCB Design

Printed circuit boards (PCBs), used in various electronic devices, must include filled vias. These vias, which are effectively tiny holes punched into the PCB, connect the various layers of the board. Via holes filled and sealed with conductive or non-conductive material or copper plating are known as filled vias.

Types of Filled Vias

Filled vias come in various varieties, each with special benefits and drawbacks. They consist of the following:

Conventional Filled Vias

The most typical kind of filled vias is conventional vias. This sort of via involves drilling a tiny hole through the PCB and filling it with copper using an electroplating technique. The copper adds to the hole’s walls; we remove any extra to provide a level surface. Traditional filled vias are dependable and suitable for usage in most PCB applications. They can be produced in large quantities and are also reasonably priced.

Through-Hole Vias

All layers of the PCB, from the top to the lowest layer, are connected by through-hole vias. A hole is bored through the entire board to create a through-hole via, which is subsequently filled with copper. When a significant quantity of current must transfer across various board layers, through-hole vias are helpful. They are also more dependable than other through kinds since mechanical stress is less likely to cause them to disconnect.

Blind Vias

blind via pcb and buried via pcb

Blind vias run from the PCB’s top layer to one or more of its interior layers but stop short of going through the board. Instead, a hole is drilled through the top layer and into the inner layer to create a blind via, filled with copper. Blind vias come in handy for applications without room to drill a hole through the board. Because they require less drilling and plating than through-hole vias, they are also less expensive.

Buried Vias

Vias connecting two or more of the PCB’s inner layers but not extending to the top or bottom layers are known as buried vias. A hole is drilled through two inner layers to create a buried via filled with copper. Hidden vias come in handy for applications where numerous layers of the PCB and drilling through the entire board would damage the other layers. Because they require less drilling and plating than through-hole vias, they are also less expensive.


Microvias are extremely small vias with a 0.15mm or less diameter. They are helpful when there is insufficient room for conventional or blind vias. We can produce microvias using a laser drilling procedure that makes a tiny hole in the circuit board. This hole is subsequently filled with copper using an electroless plating procedure. Since they need more precise processing and equipment, microvias are more expensive than other via kinds.

Stacked Microvias

Similar to regular microvias, stacked microvias help to connect different PCB layers. Drilling numerous tiny holes in the board and filling them with copper results in stacked microvias. Applications requiring a high connection density but a limited area can benefit from stacked microvias.

Benefits of Filled Vias

Vias are critical in linking the various layers of printed circuit boards (PCBs). Through-hole or surface-mount vias are essential for maintaining the connectivity of the various PCB components.

Improved Reliability:

The reliability of a PCB improves by filled vias, which is one of its most important advantages. Filled vias can lower the possibility of failure because of temperature fluctuations, vibration, and moisture intrusion. This is because filled vias contribute to a stronger, more reliable connection between the various layers of a PCB. In addition, the board is less likely to crack or break thanks to the filler substance used in the vias, which serves to lessen stress.

Enhanced Thermal Performance:

Furthermore, filled vias improve a PCB’s thermal performance. This is due to the through-filling material’s ability to provide more effective heat transfer, which lowers the board’s operating temperature. This can be crucial for high-performance systems that produce much heat, such as those in the telecommunications, aerospace, and defense sectors.

Improved Signal Integrity:

Another significant benefit is the capacity of filled vias to improve the signal integrity of a PCB. This is because the filler material used in the vias aids in reducing signal losses and noise, both of which can adversely affect the board’s performance. Using filled vias to connect the various layers of a printed circuit board can increase signal transmission accuracy and interference-free operation (PCB).

Better Electrical Performance:

Filling vias with conductive materials such as copper can increase their capacity to carry current from one layer to another, which enhances electrical performance. Copper-filled micro-vias can also improve thermal and electrical conductivity, reduce EMI, and allow for high routing density on the PCB. However, filling vias with non-conductive materials such as epoxy can also somewhat improve electrical conductivity. Additionally, thermal vias can transfer heat from one layer to another on the same board, improving thermal management and overall electrical performance.

Increased Density:

A PCB’s density can also increase by using filled vias. This is because they occupy less space on the board than conventional through-hole vias, allowing for the placement of more components. This can be especially crucial for designs that need a high level of functionality in a tiny form factor.

Cost Savings:

Although filled vias can cost more than conventional through-hole vias, they may save you money over time. This is because filled vias can contribute to a PCB’s overall size reduction, resulting in material and production cost savings. Moreover, using filled vias can lessen the chance of failure, saving money by preventing warranty claims and product recalls.

Easier Assembly:

Furthermore, filled vias can simplify the PCB assembly process. This is so that the components on the board have more support from the filler material utilized in the vias, which will reduce the likelihood of movement or displacement during assembly. Moreover, filled vias can aid in lowering the possibility that the board would damage during assembly, which can result in cost savings and quicker production.

Process of Via Filling


Printed circuit board (PCB) manufacture uses the via-filling technique to fill via holes with conductive or non-conductive material. Via holes are tiny holes punched in the PCB that link its various layers together. Via filling is crucial in manufacturing PCBs since it ensures the board will function correctly and dependably.

The following steps are commonly helpful in the filling process:

Preparing the board:

The board must be clean before the through-filling procedure starts. It is crucial to ensure the board is clean and clear of any contaminants because any dirt, debris, or residue on the board can hinder the adhesion of the filling material.

Drilling the holes:

Drilling the via holes into the board is the next step. A computer-controlled drilling machine is often helpful because it can create precise holes at the right depths and places. The board’s characteristics and the components that will mount on it determine the size of the holes.

Cleaning the holes:

Once you drill the holes, you must clean them to eliminate any dust or debris gathered during the drilling procedure. You can remove loose debris from the holes using a vacuum cleaner or a high-pressure air pistol, which are both commonly helpful.

Applying the filling material:

The filling material can be essential after cleaning the holes. Depending on the board’s needs, this substance may be either conductive or non-conductive. Non-conductive fillers often consist ofsubstances like epoxy resin, whereas conductive fillers frequently comprise metals like copper or silver.

Curing the material:

The filler substance needs to curing or hardening after application. We can accomplish this using heat, UV light, or other curing techniques, depending on the material utilized. A stable and dependable connection between the various layers of the board becomes possible by the material’s ability to harden and bond with the walls via holes during the curing process.

Finishing the board:

We can apply a final layer of protective coating or solder mask to the board once the filler substance has dried and hardened. This layer offers a smooth and homogeneous surface for mounting components and aids in shielding the board from deterioration, corrosion, and other forms of wear and tear.

Filling techniques

Via in Pad and BGA
Via in Pad and BGA

Depending on the needs of the board and the manufacturer’s capabilities, various through-filling techniques are ideal. Typical techniques include:

Plated through-hole (PTH) filling: We must electroplate and deposit metal via holes. The method involves submerging the board in an electrolyte solution and running an electrical current through the metal, commonly copper. We make a strong and conductive link between the various layers of the board when the copper ions bond with the walls of the via holes due to the current.

Non-conductive epoxy filling: This technique uses epoxy resin to fill the via holes, which hardens and connects with the hole walls. Since epoxy glue is non-conductive, it does not affect the board’s electrical characteristics. Normally, non-critical applications where conductivity is unimportant utilize this strategy.

Conductive paste filling: Conductive paste comprises metal shavings, and pour a binder into the via holes. We usually apply the paste by screen printing, and once it has dried, it hardens and adheres to the walls of the via holes. This technology is often helpful for low-density boards when the cost is an issue.


Electronic devices cannot function without printed circuit boards (PCBs); vias are crucial to PCB design. A via is a tiny hole drilled through two or more adjacent copper layers on a printed circuit board (PCB) and then plated with copper to form an electrical connection between the copper layers. Vias of various forms, including through-hole vias, microvias, and via-in-pad designs, are helpful in PCBs.

A PCB manufacturing process known as via filling involves filling through a hole with a conductive or non-conductive substance, such as epoxy, to enhance signal integrity, heat management, and reliability. With better thermal conductivity and dissipation, copper-plated shut-filled vias are more recent and sophisticated via filling. According to the individual needs of their PCB design, PCB designers must consider the via type and via the filling procedure to utilize.




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