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Everything You Need to Know about TG150 Material

If you have engaged in any circuit board design, then you will have noticed the importance and role of an rf4, commonly inferred to as the epoxy substrate. It not only provides the circuit the necessary structural framework but a platform for building circuits as well. The printed circuit board material proves one among many other crucial components of a PCB. While a PCB can come as multi-layer, single-layer, and double-layer, the material making up the board can come as fr4 tg150, fr4 tg170, fr4180, rf4 tg130, rf4 tg260, etc. So what does a tg150 PCB entail?

The article will canvass different aspects of the tg150 as a substrate type for printed circuit boards; it will help you get acquainted with everything tg150 and why it can become prudent to consider procuring this PCB substrate type.

The TG150 PCB

The tg150 printed circuit board implies a circuit board developed with a tg150 board. TG often implies the glass transition temperature, which refers to the steady reversible change of amorphous material from a sturdy and “glassy” state to a rubbery and viscous state upon the application of higher than expected temperatures. While the TG often proves lower than the melting temperature of the corresponding crystalline material state.

The glass transitional temperature material often comes as a burn-resistant material, distorting/melting at specific temperature ranges. A tg150 PCB comes as medium TG material because it falls above the range of 130 degrees Celsius to 140 degrees Celsius yet below the 170 degree Celsius equivalent or higher.  Please note that the higher the TG of a substrate (typically epoxy), the higher the stability of the printed circuit board.

Application of TG150 PCB Substrate

fr4 tg150

It often becomes vital to understand the type of application your PCB design will involve. The answer to this information will inform not only the type of printed circuit board to adopt (single-layer, multi-layer, or double-layer) but also help in picking the correct PCB components, especially when it comes to the datasheet. For instance, if you want to procure an fr4 tg150, a quick check online will provide the fr4 tg150 datasheet with all the relevant details, including ratings and checking epoxy’s TB unit rating. Such a datasheet has to operate as your information beacon for fr4s that prove suitable for your PCB design.

It becomes essential to understand because a circuit board operates as the non-conductive platform upon which circuits get built. The integrity it provides to aspects such as thru-holes becomes vital in maintaining the circuit’s integrity and enhancing the general efficiency of the printed circuit board’s functionality. Additionally, it will determine the suitability of the board in producing double-layer or multi-layer PCBs, especially when it comes to the oven reflow processes.

An fr4 with a lower TB value rating cannot withstand higher temperatures than the manufacturer’s stipulations. For instance, an fr4 with a glass transition temperature value of 130 degrees Celsius cannot undergo a reflow process in the oven at temperatures exceeding 130. Such temperatures will deform and damage the mechanical and electrical properties of the circuit board substrate, which renders the board useless.  

So have you checked the datasheet for an fr4 tg150 PCB material yet still wonder if it can apply for your intended PCB design? Here, we will detail a sneak preview of the potential applications of a tg150 printed circuit board.

  • Computers and notebooks. The midrange working temperature of 130-degree Celcius to 140 degrees Celcius make a tb150 ideal for computers and notebooks. While these electronic devices can perform complex operations, the heat generated during these processes does not prove excessive.
  • Instruments. The tg150 material suits printed circuit boards for powerful yet medium-generating heat instruments.
  • Automotive electronics. The tg150 material can successfully get deployed in-vehicle electronics. Such electronics can include radios, digital clocks, and other car navigation guidance systems.
  • Consumer electronics. The tg150 circuit board material can also get deployed in making television sets, smartphones, radios, air conditioners, etc.

However, it always proves an excellent idea to contact your manufacturing company to get exact details for any inquiries. Here at RayMing PCB and Assembly Company, we always prove attentive and sensitive to the needs of our multilayer PCB clients. Therefore, for any inquiries on rf4 tb150 or any other printed circuit board needs, please, do not hesitate. You can always head to our site’s homepage and get in touch with us through the listed channels.

An excellent example of a product type with tb150 includes the EM-370(5) (EMC) that possesses not only the tg150 but also other key attributes. It includes a maximum of four sequential lamination runs, comes at a fair price, and lacks a shorter LT or proves difficult to buy. Such variables become key in settling for a glass transition temperature material cause a wrong choice can mess you up. Therefore, always consult widely and research before settling on the tb150 material, especially when unsure about your printed circuit design and its possible application areas.   

Please note that while datasheets can become easy to access by a simple browsing step, they often prove overwhelming, considering the volume of information presented. However, remember that critical values must include the TG values, the DK value, and the CTI value. The DK value and dielectric constant will help determine if your design possesses high-speed signals that need regulated impedance traces.  On the other hand, the CTI refers to the comparative tracking index that measures a material breakdown in voltage. All these components become useful when specifying your PCB design requirements when engaging us (manufacturing company).


If you want to buy a tg150 or any other mid-Tg material that also proves lead-free, then the consideration to take in include the following.

  • Understand that mid-Tg implies a range of 150 degrees Celsius to a temperature of 170 degrees Celsius. Considering that the heat threshold for a tb150 needs to fall below the 150 degree Celsius mark, you cannot pick any substrate with a glass transition temperature value ranging within 150-170 degrees Celsius.
  • The mid-Tg thermal performance proves better than the standard TG, primarily in the lead-free procedure. Additionally, it also proves more cost-effective than high-Tg materials.
  • A high layer count can imply an equivalent or excess of eight layers.
  • It also becomes crucial to check information on the TG’s reliability concerning anti-CAF, thermal stress cycles, simplicity of buying, and the price.
  • The most probable tg150 materials you will get include Panasonic, ITEQ, and SY EMC. It is what most material suppliers circulate in the market.
  • Prior mid-Tg recommendation of materials lacking lead includes the IT-158 and S1000H, with both having the capacity to get sequentially laminated a maximum of four times.
  • Become sensitive to any existing differences. For instance, a ShengYi model of a mid-Tg material possesses variances between an S1000H and S1000.
  • You may have to pick R-1566(WN), IT-150G, or EM-370(5) when looking for materials without halogen. Such materials can also go through sequential lamination a maximum of four times. It also proves ideal for HDI.
  • You have to consider the halogen-free material’s thermal performance as it always proves critical. The existing recommendation falls on R-1566(WN) as it proves among the top mid-Tg materials.
  • Finally, consider that the material’s price has a huge bearing on the volume you want to buy. Some manufacturing companies offer prices for mid-Tg materials as they would normal Tg. However, other factories tend to quote a similar price for mid-Tg as they do high-Tg.

The criteria and considerations detailed above should become your guiding beacon, especially when selecting a tb500 or any other mid-glass transition temperature materials. However, please note that each situation presents uniquely, and therefore, what you end up with might not prove exactly similar. What’s more, you can always get in touch with us whenever you get overwhelmed with the selection process. We at RayMing PCB and Assembly will offer you excellent and trustworthy guidance.

Ordering Criteria for a TG150 Material


If you have designed your printed circuit board and you have factored in all the considerations discussed already in the article. You can now proceed with placing your tg150 order. For instance, at RayMing PCB and Assembly Company, all you have to do should encompass the following.

  • Convert your PCB design and schematics into the appropriate Gerber file format
  • Go to the official company website and send the Gerber file through the stipulated channel.
  • You will receive help with immediate email replies, timely quotations and get the PCB products delivered to you in a decent time. You will never get unseemly issues with us, and if any arise, you can always lodge an inquiry and get it sorted.   

Whenever you decide to order the tg150 material from other manufacturing sources, remember that the process will always follow a similar format, albeit with minor variations. So please keep this in mind.

Final Thoughts

Printed circuit boards prove an essential part of any electronic, but more substantially, tg150 material is essential in making consumer electronic devices and other allied instruments or devices. Therefore, it becomes critical for you as a designer to understand the types of fr4 materials and what an fr4 tg500 entails. Additionally, understanding the best company to procure these services and products becomes essential in ensuring quality and reliable printed circuit boards.

Hopefully, the article has provided you valuable insights on everything fr4 tg150 material for PCB making.




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